[h2]Mako Moritomi//Noodle Shop[/h2] [h3]Wednesday, July 1, 2015[/h3] ==~== Mako nodded at Sato's assessment- he hadn't used his powers quite yet, so he didn't know his limits, but it would be folly to presume he could simply use his soul as a weapon with impunity. He'd need to depend on his own physical prowess, for the most part, and using just his fists to attack seemed... unappealing. He'd have to consider something else, something more useful. Hmm. He looked back up at Sato. [color=0076a3]"Well, if you have any suggestions for a weapon, let me know. I'm usually more used to using my fists, but I don't think that would work very well, if... my Shadow is any indication,"[/color] He shrugged. [color=0076a3]"I suppose that's one of the perks of you being an archer, huh? Makes picking a weapon a lot easier... aaaaaand, now I know I'm rambling."[/color] He smiled up at Sato, which shrank a little as he got into his spiel about the dangers of the Mirror World, but didn't completely go away. He lowered his eyes to his partially-eaten dish, still only half-smiling. [color=0076a3]"I don't see what could be worse than what I've seen. My Shadow- which, might I add, was the manifestation of all the anger and resentment I've kept bottled up inside since I was [i]nine[/i]- tried to incinerate me, along with everyone who was trying to save me, and everyone I ever loved or cared about. Called them garbage, trash, etc. It sucked. Honestly, compared to that, some good old-fashioned monster hunting will be..."[/color] Here his grin turned savage. [color=0076a3]"[i]...Cathartic.[/i]"[/color] He paused for a second, then looked back up at Sato, his expression turning sheepish. [color=0076a3]"Er... sorry for going all, 'rawr, kill all the things,' on you, but... trust me. I'll be fine. Whatever comes, I'll deal with it."[/color] His eyebrow raised when Sato asked about his food, and he looked down again, looking between his dish and Sato's. Now that he was looking at it, Sato's did look rather less appetizing than his own. He thought for a moment, then pushed his plate over toward Sato. He smiled. [color=0076a3]"It's pretty good. Maybe you should try some? Here, I'll take a taste of yours, just to be fair to both of us."[/color] He reached over and snatched up one of the deep-fried shrimp with his chopsticks before popping it in his mouth and chewing. He paused, then pushed his plate closer to Sato. [color=0076a3]"...Take mine, your noodles [i]suck.[/i]"[/color] The two of them finished their meals- here meaning, Sato finished the rest of Mako's meal and they left his crappy dish cooling on the table- and walked outside, promising to talk more later. Mako and Sato stood awkwardly for a couple seconds as Mako considered how to end their meeting- he considered a handshake, but that didn't seem right for some reason. He stood there for a few more seconds, and just as Sato started to look concerned, he acted. Moving forward, he quickly wrapped his arms around Sato's shoulders in a quick, but firm hug. He released Sato, quietly said goodbye, and walked off, blushing fiercely. He hoped he'd be able to go hunt some Shadows with the rest of the crew soon- he had some awkwardness that needed alleviating, and soon.