Lex waited for his scientist to return with the formula, but it was taking longer than it should have. Lex Luthor rolled his eyes, "Of course I have to do everything for myself." He marched angrily to the containment center where the formula was usually placed. As he walked he noticed the limp bodies of his scientists. He kicked one's arm out of his way and murmured, "Pathetic." As he walked he also found the occasional unconscious genomorph. This only furthered his frustration with the lack of competence of his crew. Lex felt like he was the only one who could do anything right. When Lex finally got to the room where the formula was hidden, he found dead bodies scattered all over the floor. "How could you let this happen?" Lex shouted angrily, partly at himself, partly at the dead scientists. The formula wasn't anywhere to be seen. ~~~~~~~~~ Donna continued to fly through the holes until she hit the last one. It seemed like a secret lab and she didn't like the looks of it. There were several unconscious scientists and monsters she didn't recognize. Wonder Girl didn't waste time pondering about the lab and continued to follow the path of destruction. It finally began to come to an end when the growls and grumbles grew louder. She heard a loud crash and saw Bane stepping through a hole in the wall. She quietly followed him, not sure what he was doing. Sure she would usually jump at the first sight of a villain, but she knew Bane was a very dangerous man and didn't know if she could take him head on.