[center] [IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/21bkkeg.jpg[/IMG] [h2][color=f6989d]Kaori Tatsumia[/color][/h2] [sub][@Silver Fox][@Evil Snowman] feat. [@Shin][@Lunaeria][@The Survivor][@dabombjk][@Dynamo Frokane][/sub] [hr] Kaori looked from the tall towering blonde to the pale as snow man who had just joined them, only to offer his booth to her. [color=f6989d]"Ah, that is very kind of you!" [/color]she tipped her head in bashful thanks, then realized his gaze had fallen onto Ashton,[color=f6989d] "Thank...you..."[/color] As well as his poetic compliment. His red gaze was sultry like velvet, the kind of gaze that wrapped around you gently till you found yourself bound in its stare. Gentle chains... Her flushed face was starting to make her a bit dizzy. She forgot how alluring every single person in Shine City could be. She let out a bubbling but nervous laugh, soft and quiet, her hands holding one another closely. [color=f6989d] "Yes, that man was...unusual..."[/color] she murmured, feeling as though the man wasn't really interested in any response of hers. So instead she looked down at the card in her hands. That dark haired man... He had seemed genuine and sincere in his request. Not like a man who was simply drunk and hitting on anything that walked by. His offer had been gentle. Her green eyes softened a bit and she quietly placed the card in her purse, along with her ID. Looking up at the firefighter, she gazed curiously between her and the man with velvet eyes. Following Ashton's quick lilac eyes, Kaori realized there was someone watching them and writing on his laptop. No, he couldn't be watching them, could he? That had to be her imagination. Why would someone be watching them? How silly of her. All those tv show she watched were letting her imagination run away with her. Pushing her hair behind her ear, she looked back at the firefighter. It seemed as though the silver tongued man's compliment had hit its mark. There was such a cute expression on the amazon blonde's face... Pressing a closed fist to her mouth, she felt such an odd urge. Like she were being draw into the sultry serpent's aura, desiring to tease such a cute person as this golden goddess... But her green eyes blinked the haze away. Ah, how odd! She pressed her hand to her chest and took a deep breath. It was easy to be overwhelmed in this city. There were so many kinds of alluring people. It was just too easy to be draw into their auras and to faded into their emotions. The gentle warmth of the tall woman replaced the pale male's silver-and-velvet charm. Both of them had such intoxicating emotions, it was so easy to get lost in the feelings... It was like watching the sun and the moon flirt with one another, both trying to be as delicate as possible and yet not noticing how heady they naturally were to mere mortals like Kaori. Ashton tapped the counter and Kaori jumped, snapping out of the great sea of emotions these two were painting. Looking at the bartender in surprise, she watched the signs the blonde made and how the bartender was able to understand them all. So... She now was getting a glass of water like she wanted. And the pale man was getting something called a Blue Fairy. And Ashton was getting a soda and water. How fascinating, being able to communicate without words like that... [color=f6989d]"Ah, thank you very much,"[/color] Kaori accepted her water humbly and with glittering green eyes fixed on the blonde. She smiled warmly, finding that the pale man wasn't the only one with infectious charm about him, but this sunlit firefighter as well. The stench of alcohol and rotting food interrupted everything. Kaori turned to see the drunkard who was approaching her. She held her water close, as if guarding it from the drunk's noxious fumes. [color=f6989d]"N-No, I don't want to dance,"[/color] she tried her best to sound stern, but then again she had never been a good liar... Ashton stepped in, a protective shield from the drunk man. Kaori opened her mouth in protest, [color=f6989d]"Ashton, wait!"[/color] She might be a lean firefighter, but she was still a gentle and cute woman too! That guy could try to hurt her! But the dunkard was already slurring and stumbling and trying to fight the blonde. Angrily, Kaori bristled, hand clenching the glass of water. Her arms coiled, itching to throw it in his face. But as she thought about it, he swung at Ashton, the amazon woman was quick to react. Like a knight with her lance, she struck a crippling blow on the fool and then lifted him up and set him outside like an unruly house cat. [color=f6989d]"That was dangerous!"[/color] her voice was no longer wavering and meek, but filled with concern. She set her glass of water to the side and took up the firefighter's hands, fretfully examining them. [color=f6989d]"You didn't hurt yourself did you?!"[/color] she asked quite seriously, searching through her purse, [color=f6989d]"You didn't get harmed at all? If you did I have a few bandaids in my purse."[/color] She looked up at those lilac eyes, meeting them with her own strong green gaze. [color=f6989d]"Please do not worry about when my friends will be here while you are in such a troublesome situation because of me!"[/color] But soon after she spoke, a man, the one who had been on his laptop, backed right into the tall and noble blonde. It seemed Kaori wasn't the only trouble started in the bar tonight. [/center]