[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=f6989d]Emily Kessler[/color][/h1] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/8b1a4a4dc58c230fea9b16e5c15f5668/tumblr_o8h0xgOuLB1risjtio2_500.gif[/img] [/center] [hr] Main Office -> Conference Room -> Annex [hr] A very distinctly Scottish voice came through the phone as Emily stared at her boss, Aidan. It was a Scottish woman belting out whatever it was she was gabbing about whatever it was. Emily found the Scottish variant of English very hard to understand. It was hard enough for her to comprehend what her boss was saying in the first place, and then now that there was an incredibly thick accent added into the equation, it was nigh impossible to understand, especially over the phone. She made out a few words, but she didn't bother to remember them as she took a finger and pressed the button where the handset used to rest. It disconnected the call and Emily was freed from the grasps of Aidan's wretched ex-wife. Emily raised her eyebrows and rolled her eyes as she put the handset where it belonged. Wiping a lock of hair away from her face, she returned to the conference room. She did glance at the unfamiliar figure standing in the doorway though. Probably a new hire. As she sat down, she heard the trail end of Eduard's explanation. Something about having to pick up a packet in his office. She stood around in the conference room for a little bit even after the boss had left, before finally departing herself. As she made her way back to the annex, her phone buzzed. She pulled it out of her pocket and saw that the local news had sent her a notification. Something about a car crash where at least one had been identified as dead. As she cut across the kitchen, she opened up the app and scrolled through the story. She glanced over it, until one thing had really caught her eye. "[i]Rose Peters, 25, has been identified as one of the people killed in the crash.[/i]" The camera zoomed in on Emily's devastated face as she finally figured out why Rose hadn't showed up to work. As it turns out, yesterday was the last day she would've ever seen Rose alive ever again. It had devastated her. She bit her lip and proceeded back to the now completely lonely annex. Now that Nana had left, there wasn't really anyone else to keep her company in her little section of the office. It was sad. Emily had walked back into her office, nothing but silence filling the annex as she plopped down in her chair, putting an elbow up on the table as she tried to figure out what had just happened. [hr] "[color=f6989d]I honestly don't know what to feel right now. Everyone around me is just... going away now.[/color]" The camera zoomed out from a portrait shot of Emily as she looked down at her shirt, fiddling with a button as she tried to comprehend the recent tragedy that had struck her circle of friends. Her eyes were slightly red as she was blatantly fighting back tears. She didn't want to cry. Not in front of the cameras. Emily knew very well that they would be gobbling this sort of stuff up, and use it pretty often in their documentary. Not her, she wouldn't fall victim and be that archetype in the documentary. The camera panned over to the completely vacant (for the time being) annex, before going back to Emily's lone self. "[color=f6989d]Am I upset? Yes.[/color]" Emily bit her lip as she tried to figure out what to say next. It was hard to think clearly after being struck so suddenly with grief. She really was connected to Nana and Rose. It was hard to deal with their lack of presence in the office. Nana didn't affect her as much as Rose did, at least Emily had the opportunity to text Nana, but Rose, Rose was no more. She couldn't think of anything to say, she really couldn't. Emily decided to end the interview, dismissing herself. "[color=f6989d]I better head on over to Eduard's with Chris, gotta get started on those peer reviews.[/color]" She laughed, before sniffling and getting out of her chair rather quickly. [hr] [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=0076a3]Kayla Archer[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/69baca0a540fc204b657b1c83fed99f3/tumblr_o0glmgfhSk1udye75o4_250.gif[/img] [/center] [hr] Conference Room -> Main Office[hr] Kayla was honestly taken slightly aback as she locked eyes with her (hopefully) boss-to-be for the first time ever. She stared at him intently as he addressed her. The brief interaction had left a weird taste in Kayla's mouth. Was it a good thing to do? Was it a bad thing? Kayla didn't know, but she sure as hell hoped that she didn't do the wrong this time. As she left, she found a couple more interviewees sitting next to the receptionist desk. She felt their eyes go onto her, stabbing into her very soul and heart as she walked over them, taking the seat closest to the receptionist's desk. It seemed just like high school, with them being so, so cliquey. They were all gathered around the table, as if they were better than everyone here. They probably didn't even have a fraction of Kayla's credentials. Hell, they were probably gathered there talking some serious smack about her. Kayla didn't understand why they were staring into her like that, she was here for the same reason as everyone else. She was sure she was going to get the job though. No way they were going to turn someone like her down. Suddenly, Mr. Ferguson came out and gave them their directions. Kayla looked at the mopey blonde. She swore he must've been a member of a Beatles cover band at one point in his life. As he walked away, Kayla was the first to rise, walking over to the man that Mr. Ferguson had told them to check in with. As she walked to him, she looked around, and noticed that the office looked like there were quite a few open positions. Maybe another one of those cutthroat accountants would be joining her as well. [hr] "[color=0076a3]My name's Kayla Archer. I'm from Seattle, Washington.[/color]" Kayla had no idea there would be a full-blown camera crew documenting their every move here. Seeing as she had little experience in this sort of situation, it was expected that she'd be a little bit nervous. She tugged on her shirt collar, making sure she was looking spic and span for the camera. "[color=0076a3]I'm applying for the vacant accounting position that had recently opened up. I guess a friend referred me. They told me to avoid the New Castle branch, because of all the people leaving. But, they had the best offer to me, and to make a long story short, here I am.[/color]" Kayla smirked, flipping her long brown hair back as the interviewers asked her a question of sorts. "[color=0076a3]Well, I've got a Master's in Accounting from the University of Washington. I don't know what the other people have, but I'm sure they've got something similar. I came from this start-up in Bellevue. Westing & Fisher. They were on the news a few months back. Y'know, the big case about money embezzling?[/color]" Kayla was then asked how she felt about her chances of getting the job. She looked to the upper right corner of the room as she collected her thoughts. She hadn't done a camera interview like this since her Olympic stint. And even then, it wasn't as in-depth as this. "[color=0076a3]I think I've got as good of a chance as every other candidate. It's all up to Mr. Ferguson, I guess. I think at the end of the day we'll see who makes it in.[/color] Kayla flashed a smile as the interview concluded.