[center][img]http://cdn.ndtv.com/tech/gadgets/Anno2205_Train_Station_Night.jpg[/img][/center] [h3][b][center]Hello there! Welcome to the world of Prismal, where your choices change the world! Literally.[/center] [/b][/h3] People come into this world one by one, sometimes in pairs. Most of them are in poor condition, but if the Prismal citizens make the right choices, they are healed right away. There is no leader in this world. The only reason why there is none is simply because the citizens chose not to have one. One choice can turn the world upside down. Every person gets a [url=http://www.concept-phones.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Glass_tablet_phone_1.jpg]tablet[/url] when he/she enters the world. Every morning, the Questioners send a Main Question to everyone's tablet. Everybody has to respond in less than 2 hours or their tablet will blow up. The tablet is also linked to everyone's arm with a chain made out of titanium. It is impossible to remove, as it is basically a part of your body. The point where the chain is attached to the arm is also covered with titanium, making your arm look like [url=http://static1.gamespot.com/uploads/screen_kubrick/1551/15511094/3064577-arm.jpg]this[/url]. Everyone gets this surgery when they enter Prismal. No money is used in this world. Everything is done by choices. This is 2190. It's about time we leave our wallets behind. [hr] This RP is basically about people coming into this so-called new world. Every time we transition into a new day, the Questioner will propose a new question to our group. Our characters will choose, and go on with the day. The choices we made in the morning will change the characters' lives instantly. I am looking for the following (these numbers are pretty flexible) ☒ 1 Questioner ☒ 2-6 New people walking into the world ☒ Any NPCs who will act as the people already living in Prismal You are allowed more than one character. I'm not sure if I should allow a person RPing as a Questioner AND a new joiner to the world. I figured it wouldn't be very fun for the Questioner if they only think of questions. What do you guys think? This is my first time GMing an RP, and I'm not a master in RPing, either. I would love a Co-GM to help me, but I'll be able to live without one if no one wants to be one. So, anyone interested?