Relieved that John seemed to understand that she could potentially be late, Aeron made her way as quickly as she could manage to the site the Operator had directed her too. Once there, she was met with a sight she had not exactly expected to see, and a certain Jackalope she was certain she had both met yet has never seen before. Curious, the female jackal got out of her vehicle and went over to the, she was assuming male, jackalope was seemingly waiting for her. [color=00aeef][b]"I take it you were the one I was sent to pick up?"[/b][/color] she questioned as she crouched down to look at the one she had been sent to get, [color=00aeef][b]"Wait a minute... I [i]do[/i] know you. Where did your spots go?"[/b][/color] Though he felt like the world stopped as he got the news, he likely sat there like a fool while trying to wrap his head around a story to spin. 'Operator' hung up, his business concluded and Luci double-checked his numbers to realize he wasn't mistaken. The thought had crossed his mind to start walking home, fleeing the scene before his 'help' arrived, but the pressure on a likely sprained ankle kept him down, cursing under his breath. Being cuffed didn't help as he tried to wrestle his phone back into a pocket of his black denim jacket. He'd mostly just thrown everything together, having not expected any of what had happened. Still, he figured the red-white polo shirt, jeans, knee-high boots and black-white plaid scarf would be presentable enough, in spite of being a bit worn from the crash. Luciel shook the worry of his appearance, annoyed that it was his biggest concern at the moment. Just as he considered trying to hide, Aeron's car pulled up and he sighed as she stepped out to find him with ease. He was fairly hard to miss as the rest of the foot traffic had scattered by this point. [b]"Oh...hello, Aeron"[/b] he greeted with a guilty huff, ears folding back as he looked slightly away from her while she drew near. [b]"A funny thing about spots. They tend to come out with a bit of warm water and a rag"[/b] Luciel joked in response to her question, offering a laugh which was cut short with a wince and pained grunt. He spoke with a light tone, having dropped the accent and deepening of his voice. Recomposing himself, he sighed before his eyes sharpened, looking back up at her. [b]"S'kinda awkward. Oi'd hoped t' tell ya, sometoime"[/b] Luciel politelly continued, given the circumstance, putting on his best 'Ansel' with the trademark cocky smirk. Aeron raised an eyebrow when the male before her put back on the accent, though she was fully aware that he was faking it. [color=00aeef][b]"So, what's your [i]actual[/i] name bunny-boy?"[/b][/color] she inquired as she worked on getting his cuffs off of him, [color=00aeef][b]"And how exactly did you find yourself in this situation? I don't take kindly to people hurting people I consider under my protection, alternate persona or not."[/b][/color] Once she was done talking, she gently took the male's hands and turned them around, inspecting his wrists before letting out a sigh. [color=00aeef][b]"Lets get to my car, I have a small stop to make and then I will take you to my home to get you cleaned up."[/b][/color] It wasn't the first time he'd been asked his name on that day, though this was thankfully a more favorable situation as there wasn't much to lose with being honest to Aeron. [b]"Luciel..."[/b] he began, allowing her to work the cuffs off, [b]"Luciel Lavandou, and it's a bit tough to explain."[/b] The name feeling strange even still. It had been given to him sometime in the past, but it was the closest thing he had to an actual answer after the truth had been beaten out of his recollection. On inspection, his right palm held a clean yet shallow slice which matched up with the cut a bit under his jaw that was otherwise obscured by his scarf. [b]"And...yeah, it wouldn't be a bad idea to make some distance from this mess"[/b] he agreed with a pained huff as he used a free arm to brace against the stall as get shakily got to his feet. Surprisingly, he fought through what must have been quite a distracting pain as he returned his recently relocated arm to his ribs in order to continue in his composed neutrality. [b]"I assume you're busy, but I'd like it if we made a stop on the way back to your place...a bit of business to finish, if you would not mind the inconvenience"[/b] [color=00aeef][b]"Yeah, once we get done with this one stop I don't mind making a pit stop for you,"[/b][/color] Aeron replied as she saw the difficulty that Luciel was having with walking. Frowning slightly, she moved forward and lifted the jackalope with surprising ease for someone her size. After some maneuvering, the male found himself with her arms locked behind his knees as she gave him a piggy-back to the front seat of her car. [color=00aeef][b]"I have a med kit in the back of the vehicle, we can wrap you up and disinfect your cuts once we get to our location. You gunna be ok til then?"[/b][/color] As she spoke, she opened the door and helped him maneuver into the seat before she shook out her arms a bit. [color=00aeef][b]"For someone who is that much taller than me, you are rather light,"[/b][/color] she stated as she brushed her hands off on the jeans she was wearing. It was a rather rare sight to see her in normal clothing, but she always figured it was more appropriate to wear something more... conservative for a memorial. Meanwhile resting in the back, Twombly heard something about the need for a medkit, and that it was located in the back. Gently, he slid it forwards along the center console for whoever their guest was to find it before Aeron would go rummaging through the back seats. Still, curiosity got the better of him, and he took a bit of a gander at their newest passenger. [color=ed145b]"[b]Oh[/b], [b][i]hello[/i][/b]."[/color] Twombly sorta-introduced himself, a bit surprised that it was the jackalope, although this time around he looked like he'd been through one hell of a night. [color=ed145b]"So Aeron said something about you being hurt, mind if I took a look at that wound while she drives?"[/color] Aeron jumped a bit when Twombly popped out of the back, [color=00aeef][b]"SONUVABITCH! What the Hell Twombly? Why are you doing in my car?!"[/b][/color] she demanded, placing a hand over her chest, feeling as if her heart would burst out of her chest. [b][color=ed145b]"Well, last night when you told me about this, I said I'd come too..."[/color][/b] Twombly began explaining, as he began staring over at Luciel for any serious injuries, but quickly started focusing on his palm, since his jaw was probably going to be off-limits for the next 18 seconds. [b][color=ed145b]"And you didn't exactly say [i]no[/i]. So I came along."[/color][/b] Luciel took inventory in his mind as he tested his condition. The idea of getting everything he wanted out of his apartment was quickly fading away as he doubted he could carry duffle bags of the junk and was loathe to ask that much of the jackal. [b]"Thank you, it may not be as much as I thought-"[/b] he began to thank before being hauled up onto the woman's back and carried into the SUV. As much as Luci wanted to assure her that he could walk enough to get in, himself, the interest of time was likely upon them as he had no clue when reinforcements or police would show up. The last thing he wanted was to get himself or Aeron involved in such a situation. [b]"Y-yeah. I can probably patch myself up...and thank you for coming, I hope my operator wasn't too [i]gruff[/i]"[/b] he joked in a deadpan manner, failing at a racist pun about the sheep that only he had really met. The comment about his weight made him feel a bit self conscious about his eating habits...or lack thereof as he'd gotten used to living on minimums. [b]"Its [i]all[/i] fluff"[/b] he joked, his defense mechanism of using humor to make light of a situation shining through, though he'd learned that laughing at his own bad jokes wasn't the best for his bruised condition. Luciel found it strangely easy to relax in the front seat of the luxury SUV after the ordeal, reclining a bit as he laid his head back and began closing his eyes before noticing the medkit slide up next to him. Lifting an eyebrow, he turned his head in confusion before Twombly spoke up. Aeron's reaction spooked him almost as much as the sudden appearance of the maned wolf, causing Luciel to jump with his own gasp of [b]"Oh jeez!"/b] and groaning before gritting his teeth and glaring back at the man, his expression slowly settling. [b]"Fuh...e-ello guvna"[/b] he chirped in his Ansel voice before hearing the invitation and reclining the seat further. [b]"Be my guest?"[/b] Luciel quizzically replied, dropping the accent once more, a bit tired of surprises but thankful that it was people that he knew who didn't seem too put off by the jackalope who was in all rights a stranger all over at this point. Taking some gauze, and the jack's invitation, the maned-wolfie first patched-up Luciel's palm, then continued checking his 'patient' over a bit more thuroughly, kindly ignoring any weapons he may or may not have found along the way before determining he had a few bruised ribs that [i]could[/i] be braced once they were out of the car, but for now had to just make sure he didn't lean on a bad side. Further down seemed A-OK, and no further inspection seemed necessary in that direction. Moving up, he pulled away at the billowy scarf to reveal a nasty looking cut... [b][color=ed145b]"I should've treated this wound first."[/color][/b] Was all Twombly could say as he pulled whatever else he could use to patch up the gash to his demi-friend's neck. He pulled out a satchette of rubbing alcohol, [b][color=ed145b]"This'll sting a bit. You can keep the accent if you think it'll help you feel comfortable."[/color][/b] He advised, as he dabbed at the wound, making sure to flush all the bits of glass and metal out if there was any, this also happened to pull off most of the scabbing... side-benefit is it would reduce any signs of facial-scarring... probably stung like a sumbiscut though... he next part, was of course to actually bandage the knife-wound to the neck, he'd spent a surprisingly large amount of time and resources on the hand, so he made-do with some packing and wraping the gauze under his chin and up towards his antlers. As for the rest of Luciel.... [i]Twombly found a brush in the center console underneath the medkit.[/i] The hand was the easy part, he just needed to make a point not to flex the mess which he was darkly confident he could stitch shut if need be. In all fairness, it was a collection of similar injuries that he'd mended on other patients. However, having it all at once on himself was a completely different beast and he appreciated Twombly's efforts. His vest had been taken, leaving holstered weapons just under his shirt and webbing behind his jacket. Luciel hadn't taken everything with him, though the reinforced paranoia taught him not to make such mistakes in the future. Luciel winced from how the scarf was lifted away, pulling a bit of scabbing off in the process. [b]"I don't see the point, anymore"[/b] he shakily replied, experienced with rubbing alcohol and only able to imagine how this would go down. Questionably thankfully, he wouldn't have to wait long before the question as answered as the swab soaked and brushed at the wound. His ears fluttered as his eyes twitched, though remaining quiet as the sensation could be described as a slice of a sting that felt like it was taking chunks out of him from how the chemical burned. [b]"Y-yeah! That's certainly pleasant!"[/b] he whimpered and hissed, gritting his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut. He felt silly with how Twombly bandaged that wound, but was glad it was just over and started to get relaxed in the chair once more before he was attacked with a brush. At first he jumped from having not expected it, being at about his wit's end with surprises until the teeth edged around the base of his ears to pull out a few bits of car glass. The chunks were designed not to atomize and the brushing made quick work of what little Twombly found in the motions. Luciel sighed, ears fluttering from the attention but still compelled to offer, [b]"I can do that, myself"[/b] with a soft and reluctant voice, annoyed but allowing the maned wolf to continue. [color=00aeef][b]"Just let him do it,"[/b][/color] Aeron said calmly as she started up the SUV, having climbed into the vehicle while Twombly had gotten busy, [color=00aeef][b]"He has this odd fascination of brushing things... no idea why but its just a thing he likes do to."[/b][/color] She patted the Jackalope's hand and smiled at him, though the expression was a little tight before she simply focused on the road on her way to the grave site.