[quote=Mike the Bloodwolf] The cat kept moving thought out the city until he found a large tower shaped like a T, he cocked his head to have a closer look at it before he moved towards their trash and searched though to try and find something nicer then that little fish he had, he ended up knocking over the trash cans and then yowled at it slammed down on his tail hard and he took on bigger form made him lose his tail as he stood up and hoped no one had heard him break anything though he must admit, this tower felt strange [/quote] ... Just pointing it out, but Titans' HQ isn't a T shaped tower in this RP... [quote=Drakel] Also, Mikalo just letting you know dude that the Titan's base isn't like the occasional Titan's Tower... [b]Their base is a large mansion on the mainland (there is a forest behind it) and not on an island...[/b] you're good with your post but I thought I should mention that lol... [/quote]