[center][h3]Ferrero Mall - After School 4/7/2015 - Saturday[/h3][/center] The mall area on Saturdays were always a bit more populated, the half-day at school helped with it as many students would take this extra time to hang out, go take care of club things, or do the week's shopping. Rui in this case was simply going around to places he hadn't gone to for awhile, like the maid cafe, or following up on Shizuka about the costumes... Well, knowing her, she might already be thinking of costumes for everyone in the team. For now, he was at the arcade to play a few matches before heading off to the maid cafe. Maybe they should use that place as a "meeting place"... They didn't really have anywhere like that, it was always for awhile just wherever was convenient, not to mention Kami was always on the move so they didn't have that freedom, but having a dedicated place to gather would be useful with a group this size. Maybe he should talk to Shizuka about it...