[hider=Alec Bright] Name: Alec Bright Age: 21 Appearance: [img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire2/bc4582b0077ff4ad20cbe9cab92438a41289532771_full.png[/img] Height: 5'8 Weight: 136 Likes: Guys, singing, way too many boy bands to name in anything resembling a timely fashion, [b]COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE[/b], despite his lack of higher education he has also has an interest in history, it started as musical history, but gradually spiraled into the subject as a whole-he feels like one can't capture something in a song unless one knows what that something is, top to bottom-and since so many subjects are human subjects...well, history is essential to the profession. Appletini's. Fantasy-he's got a thing for sirens, for obvious reasons, he's also got a thing for pretty boy vampires....they're his normal Halloween custom....complete with glitter. Being incredibly touchy-feely (when feeling good/open). Dancing to a good beat-and then chatting up the band afterwards. Politics (super-left wing). Motorcycles. Humanity. And fame. Getting his name out there, that sort of thing. Strategy games (Zerg and Vampire Counts FTW). Cats or, as he is wont to call them: KITTIES And, of course. [b]MUSIC. EVERYTHING. MUSIC.[/b] Dislikes: Being drunk (turns into a weepy mess). Family (except his brother and grandmother), people who don't like music, bigots, flings (and himself, sometimes, for partaking anyway), failure, cooking (he's burnt cereal) and stodgy, stiff, environments. He doesn't do....well...at formal, somber affairs. At all. Economics (sounds, to him, like it's a bunch of bull shit artists presenting the bullshit they made up as fact). Government aid (YES, he knows they've struggled and that he and his brother needed them but it just reminded him of everything he's failed at). His...bitchy moods. Which are getting more frequent. Party Trick: A singer by trade, Alec's always up for an impromptu performance or serenade. That said, he has a habit of press-ganging members of the audience, on such occasions, as impromptu back up singers. And god help anyone who happens to have a musical instrument. They're not getting away. Profession: Singer. Alec takes any gigs he can get-one night he might be singing in a lounge, next he might be singing for some rich kid's family at a party. The only thing that's really consistent about his career, at this point, is his brother providing some of the instrumentals. Currently, however, he's on the prowl for his next job-he has high hopes, but lord knows the world has a history of letting him down. Bio/Personality: Alec and Lex have had a...rough time of it. Their mother, Rachel Bright was not a well women-and had convinced herself-prone to obsession and delusion and exceptionally resistant to seeking treatment for them. Her boys, Alec and Lex (she was not...a terribly creative sort when it came to names), knowing little better, bought into these delusions-hook line and sinker. When she told them Alec's real father was one terribly famous celebrity or another-they believed it. Not even noticing that the name of the celebrity in question seemed to change from year to year. Naturally, she encouraged the musical ambitions of Alec-claiming that it was in his blood, and that he got it from his father. Eventually, however, Rachel took her delusions public-and attempt to sue a famous rock star for child support. A quick DNA test proved her accusations quite false-and that Alec's actual father was a modest businessman on the east coast, who'd gotten a little bit to drunk one night. The world shrugged and moved on. Alec though, was crushed. He stopped to talking to his mother, and just about everyone but Lex. Lex, for his part, was completely enraged. And as soon as he was able, scrapped together enough money to pay lawyer (...law student....) to aid in the legal emancipation of he and his brother from their mother. When this was done, they moved as far away as they could-they tried California, and were driven into bankruptcy by the rent-minimum wage jobs just didn't cut it. They tried Utah and did all right...but it wasn't the life Alec had dreamed off. That life he'd built around a lie. He didn't talk to anyone, he lashed out seemingly at random, and sometimes, he cried himself to sleep. Painstakingly, his brother-and in a surprise, the law student he'd begged borrowed and stole to pay-worked, as best they could, to rebuild's Alec's shattered dreams. It took years, but Alec was...somewhat back to his old self, and trying to make a career out of music again. Which brought them to Shine City-a cheap apartment, representation by their now-favorite law student (now an actual lawyer...). Shine City had alot of venues-a generous social support program, and most importantly, the american tabloid media-which would be eager to pounce on "blackmail boy" if they got word of any major success on his part, had a minimal presence and interest in the area. So. Here's hoping. Theme Song: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58TBZnvyGwQ[/youtube] [/hider]