Lowering the training rifle a hairs breadth, MK219 peered down the range at his target. It was far away but he had good eyes, it was kind of a prerequisite to become a scout. The target was a vaguely humanoid hologram coloured blue to make it easy to aim at it. A small red dot had appeared in the chest-area and marked the spot where MK's shot would've hit if he'd been using a regular rifle and the hologram had been able to take damage from energy shots. He was slightly off target, the tiny white dot he'd been aiming at was still visible right at the edge of the red dot like a sun or white moon eclipsed by a bright red planet. MK219's right hand moved almost on it's own, found the adjustable sight and turned a small knob on the side twice and an identical knob on top once. He aimed the the target again and gently squeezed the trigger. No recoil, no drop, no projectile that could be influenced by air flow, stationary target. No way to miss. Again he looked down the range at his target. Another red dot had appeared and the previous one had become slightly more translucent. The bright red dot now perfectly encompassed the white dot. His sight was perfectly attuned to his eyes. MK219 removed the adjustable scope and got into a sitting position, resting his practice rifle on his left hand and his left elbow on his left knee, left foot on the ground. The full weight of the rifle, which wasn't much, was channelled straight into the ground. On a good day he could sit like that for hours, only occasionally taking a break to flex his right leg which took the brunt of his own weight. Without the scope he could only use the rifle's built-in iron-sights it was a lot harder to aim, especially on distant targets, but it was good practice for a bad scenario. The scope was one of the most sensitive pieces of the rifle, a million things could happen to it in the field that would break it or make it less-than-optimal. There were five white dots on the hologram... Four...