[quote=@Evil Snowman] I went to bed and the bar scene has changed so much .... omg so has happened in small space of time. Going to post something as the temptation is far too strong. Then I think we should give [@Lunaeria] time to react to everything [/quote] Hehe yeah agree xD [s]Although Ash is being a boss in my next post[/s] [quote=@Delta44] [@MyCatGinger][@Dynamo Frokane] [hider=The Fire Fighting Stalker!][center][h2][color=fff79a]Kaitlynn Connor[/color][/h2][/center] [center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/0e/06/7f/0e067fc9a9980dbc8933677bead88533.jpg[/img] She actually has several streaks of dark red hair among her golden blonde. She's naturally a red head but dyed it because she wanted to be more like her favourite seven foot teddy bear. [s]It also goes by the name of Ashton.[/s] [b]Age:[/b]21 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Height:[/b] 5'7 [b]Weight:[/b] 71kg [b]Party Trick:[/b] [color=fff79a]"Hrmm... Want me to punch a hole in that wall over there? ... Hah! Got'cha! I mean I could always do it, but you know, I'm poor. Put me up against anyone in arm wrestling and I'll knock 'em down like, uhh... somethin'! Orrrrrr alternatively I can list off who would make the best couples outta ya'll!"[/color] [b]Profession:[/b] Kaitlyn [s]stalked[/s] followed her personal celebrity into becoming a firefighter, and is also the leader of the "Ashton is Mai Waifu" fanclub, though that's much less a profession as it is just plain disturbing... [b]Likes:[/b] [s]Ashton Griffone[/s], her pet puppy "Firedog Sam", being an awesome firefighter, muscles, her pet punching bag "Brick", honey and iced tea, [s]Ashton again[/s], good company, zen, [i]horrible[/i] puns, a good drink, SANDVHICHES, [s]her smutty fanfiction of Ash[/s], and SFIR. Specifically Fang, a character which looks a lot like her. Also various forms of media she can create a fanfiction about, including reality. She has written an AWFUL lot of fanfiction. Is it good? The short answer is no. The long answer is also no. It is dirty sin, however she blatantly ignores the rightful haters. Also anything Ashton likes, she likes. [b]Dislikes:[/b] [s]Not having Ashton Griffone[/s], "breaking brick", when people don't truly appreciate her puns, when people don't truly appreciate her fanfics, when people don't truly appreciate her muscles, when people don't truly appreciate anything she does. She gives herself too much credit. A LOT more than one should be giving themselves a majority of the time. Also anything Ash may not like. Like spicy food! [b]Personality/Bio:[/b] Kaitlynn is a very bubbly person, always up for a nice cup of pleasantries and mannerisms. However, she is also quite the tomboy and tough chick, and adjusts between the two depending on the company. Raised as half country bumpkin, half city rich kid, Kaitlynn saw the best of both worlds. Educated, but talented; strong, but wise; this chick learned how to fight the haters on their own terms and win. She was stronger than the competition in the country, and smarter than those from the city. When they challenged her to do the opposite, she simply ripped her opposition to pieces. She was an untouchable force of nature, and had quite the fanclub in both the countryside and cityside of Arizona. She was loving life, and apparently it loved her back too. Then came college... ... and then came the fun! Though her strength still remained, her intelligence... well, she did some things her cityside parent wouldn't have really approved. Regardless, her bumpkin heritage encouraged her to go out and experience new things, and to live a life of adventure! So, she went to Shine City: the one place where good people, great alcohol, the best parties, and freedom could beat that of America. Naturally she was addicted to the place pretty quickly, though perhaps not in the best of ways... One night, she was out partying late with some friends. They were all smashed off their face and were all doing some very stupid things. One such thing was Kaitlynn climbing to the top of the highest tree in the park, to prove to her dumb friends that she wasn't heavy enough to weigh it down. Needless to say, she got stuck, and her friends were nice enough to leave her up there. Drunk. And drugged. Thankfully, her phone signaled forth a savior, and she was rescued by the [i]hottest[/i] guy possible. Although silent, this boy expressed his words through the action of saving her drunk and dodgy ass, and just like that, she feel in love. Of course it took her awhile to find the pretty boy again, though considering he was seven foot, it wasn't exactly the hardest thing in the world. She wanted to do what he did - she aspired to become like him, and to become someone better. So, she studied rigorously for a year at the Academy, racing through her first aid and medical course in a blitz, Hell bent on joining the same profession as her love. She even tried to slow down on the partying, drugs and drinks, though only the drugs thus far have been completely left behind. ... [i]Mostly[/i]. Regardless, she expressed her interest in joining the local fire station openly, and has only recently become a fire fighter there. Though inexperienced, she'll do her damn best to better herself for her man. She will continue striving and improving herself for him, until she is as good as perfection. After all, she wanted to be with him; she wanted to impress him; she wanted to be with her savior, and she hoped, oh how she hoped... ... that Ashton Griffone would become her husband. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHZWZ7RzE-U[/youtube] [/center][/hider] [/quote] She's amazing xD