So we have an adorable little Rat creature walking around looking for food. And two apparent sociopaths. I like! Now I was gonna have Izerk's entry post be about him conversing with two beggar children, but I think the whole "poor people" idea has been thoroughly overdone and bloodied by Snorlax... sooooo I'll try another angle. Expect a post within the hour :D PRO TIP: DISABLE YOUR F**KING MOUSE PAD BEFORE TYPING A POST AS THE SNEAKY F**KER HAS A TENDANCY OF MAKING HIS WAY OVER TO THE "CLOSE" ICON IN THE CORNER OF YOUR SCREEN. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Still expect a post within an hour tho. EDIT: I'm going to try and time Izerk's arrival into the village for when sh*t goes down, so that he can appear out of nowhere as some kind of mysterious third party. That's the plan, but of course it is subject to change depending on how the IC develops.