[h1][center][color=0072bc]Kim Hansson[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] Music school [/center] [center][b]Interactions:[/b] Syleste [@vicier] Cleo [@damo021][/center] [hr] Kim's eyes lit up slightly as her grandfather's name was mentioned. So she did know him. It filled her with a warmth inside. Her eyes roamed across the girl. Young, pretty eyes, the clothes she wore. Kim's eyes returned to the girl's and she recognized the signs. She was blind, like Beethoven. She smiled softly at the thought of this girl being the next Beethoven. Her gaze wandered the room. It was almost the same as it had been back then. It filled her with a sense of nostalgia. She had been in here for many nights. Sneaking in to play on the piano to impress her grandfather. In her own eyes though she had never become good enough to play for him. She never was able to obtain his level of perfection. Something she deeply regretted, and had also been pushing away since his death. [color=0072bc]"He always did whatever he felt like doing."[/color] Kim chuckled softly and smiled. [color=0072bc]"I'm glad that you were able to appreciate him. He did talk about you every now and then. Saying how proud he was that you were able to play to such a level."[/color] Kim didn't even notice the second presence in the room until said person started talking to them. [color=0072bc]"Hm..? Oh..."[/color] Kim stared at the hand in front of her then looked up at Cleo's face. [color=0072bc]"Sure.."[/color] she strongly grasped Cleo's hand and shook it before turning to Syl once again. [color=0072bc]"Would you mind if I stay for a while?"[/color]