[hider=Lena Koenig] [b]Name:[/b] Lena Koenig [b]Nickname:[/b] Doc [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [hider=Appearance:] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/386ce873b6600dc0a66342903c73406c/tumblr_o0enibGFqm1v0agino1_1280.jpg[/img] [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/275e/f/2009/155/b/8/haven_arm_concept_by_mattlaurin.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Proportionality:[/b] [hider=Proportionality] [b]Weight: 135 lbs[/b] [b]Height: 5’ 5”[/b] [b]Frame: Slender [/b][/hider] _______________________ [b]Personality:[/b] Annoyed by her teammates tendency to get hurt, but ultimately cares for all her teammates immensely. A Blunt and straightforward person, she sugarcoats for nobody, simply stating things as she sees them. She does, however, know when it would be better to shut up. [b]Job:[/b] Combat Medic [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Soldier. She uses her service-issue Handgun, and then her Cyborg arm [b]Weapons from strongest to weakest:[/b] Standard Issue Service Pistol, Cybernetic Arm, Syringe Gun (Single-Shot, Medium Range?) [hider=ASF-9 Service Pistol] [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRqsuCcNPduHPChN65AqHu096D3zYtRjNCwa6wZCwk0pFJUPw4h[/img] 19+1 rounds 9 mm 3.5 in barrel integral tac-light[/hider] [hider=Syringe Gun] The gun is a single-shot breach loading syringe pistol [img]http://i48.servimg.com/u/f48/13/58/80/91/703_0010.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Gadgets:[/b] Syringe Gun (Tranq Ammo, Nano Shots, Adrenalin Shots) Cybernetic Arm: high strength granted by arm, as well as various upgrades to it, such as a medical scanning suite and an escape-and-evade kit, which includes items such as a smoke bomb dispenser, and a ranged taser, as well as a grappling hook and thin but super strong rope [b]Armors/Outfits[/b] Armored Lab Coat provides Light Armor, If they are going into combat, she will don an armored vest which would count as Medium Armor [b]Weight Class:[/b] Medium [b]Awakening:[/b] a pair of “wings” appear, floating just behind her shoulder blades, and her physical powers go up exponentially until the power fades. However, the physical strain of using this ability is enormous, and if used continuously for too long, the user will fall unconscious, wherever they are. [hider=The Wings] [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/cff7/f/2008/257/4/a/wings_by_paprika_studios.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Pros:[/b] She is a caring, loyal and pragmatic person with a tendency towards being quite blunt. Almost all of the time, if not all the time. She is also a calm person, with control over her emotions that doesn’t usually slip [b]Cons:[/b] She is super blunt. To everyone. Also, if her control over her anger slips, in particular, she essentially goes berserk on whatever was the cause of her ire. [b]Racial Strengths[/b]- Adaptable [b]Racial Weaknesses[/b]- Natural (mostly) human, therefore is easily squishable. [b]Background:[/b] Lena was the Combat Medic for an elite PMC called Blackthorne, which was a group more focused on Black Ops. She got this by becoming a Combat Medic in the Army, and a damned good one, too. However, the got a little TOO pissed at her senior officers, beat the living shit out of him and got summarily booted out. Soon after, she was approached by an… interesting figure, a lady who cut a wide swath through the crowd, yet who nobody except Lena seemed to realize was there. She beckoned for Lena to follow, and not having much to lose, she did. She was then summarily stuffed into the back of a van and dragged off to the Blackthorne recruitment center, where she was officially recruited, and given training to bring her up to speed on how covert operations worked, and to instill upon her the “Its just business” viewpoint, though they had mixed success with the last part. Soon after, she was deployed, having taken to the training like a duck to water. On her second mission, however, her team came under sniper fire. The team realized this when a small red dot appeared on their medic (Lena), shortly followed by a shot that took her right arm, blew it off at the shoulder. She survived, and they completed the mission, but both were only barely. When they got back to base, Blackthorne installed a modified Cybernetic Arm onto her, to replace her blown-to-pieces original, and she went back to the field for 5 more lucrative years, until another ambush party decided to shoot her first. Except this time, they hit the killshot. [/hider]