Display Name: Prometheus Ephithet: «The Forge Blade King» Alignment: Brotherhood Age appearance: 23 RP Speech Color: [color=darkred]Dark Red[/color] Appearance: [hider=Appearance] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b8/79/d6/b879d63e134cbe3c1006fd3fb2f93f9b.jpg[/img] [/hider] Weapon(s): «Enkavma» AKA 'The Forge Blade', a unique weapon that only Prometheus can use due to its unstable coding. It can be 'reforged' using his Breaker into three different forms: [hider=Enkavma, Longsword Form] [img]http://wuujau.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/650x/040ec09b1e35df139433887a97daa66f/l/-/l-9503-rd_1_1.jpg[/img] Standard form, most commonly used. Skulls are replaced by simple celtic triangle knots. Balanced between Speed, Damage, Defence/Blocking and Durability. [/hider] [hider=Enkavma, Katana Form] [img]http://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/koncrete/cabinet/00935498/img66775782.jpg[/img] Second most used form. Improved Speed and Damage at the cost of durability and defence. [/hider] [hider=Enkavma, Polearm Form] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/4/40/FFXI_Polearm_9A.png/revision/latest?cb=20120712084405[/img] Least used form, as show with a red blade. Improved Damage and reach, at the cost of speed and defence. [/hider] All forms also have a faint red 'smoke' emitted from the blades, like the damage effect on a player, as well as a status effect of his choosing, including Paralysis, Poison and Burning damage. Skill Slots: One Handed Sword (because it's one of his weapons of choice), Curved Sword/Katana (because it's his second most used weapon), Parry (because he doesn't have much armour, so he has to use his weapon to block), Battle Healing (to recover health without items), Meditation (Same as Battle Healing). Breaker: «[i]Standing Forge[/i]»: Stemming from a glitch wherein coding for a blacksmith's forge was mixed into the coding for his player, this breaker allows him to use all forging/smithing skills at max level without using a forge. As long as he had the raw materials, he can create or reforge any weapon or armour of any type instantly to freely manipulate its stats. This breaker makes him the guild's best blacksmith, despite having no Forging skills. He can also reforge his personal weapon into three different forms: One-Handed Sword, Katana and Polearm. Visually, The gaps in his armour and his eyes glow like a blacksmith's forge, and weapons glow like molten metal while being forged/reforged. While using this breaker, he is considered a forge himself, making him an «immortal object» but unable to move.