Carmen stood - rather awkwardly - while waiting for Maeve to finish signing off on whatever it was in that package. There was a great deal of chaos and confusion from the gems emerging from the earth (were those [I]lasers[/I]?!) and he had no intention of sticking around longer than he had to. It left a bad taste in his mouth to leave a girl like Maeve out her on her own... But she'd clearly come out here for a reason, and taking a swing in the dark, he suspected that the this emergence of humanoids was it. The appearance of yet more gems, these from somewhere other than the lifeless stone of the canyon, seemed to cause a disturbance with Big Blue, and Carmen's sense of urgency only grew stronger. He quickly took the package from Maeve once she was done, then turned to look for an exit route. There were those big machines set up all over the place, so maybe... Yeah, that one was close enough. Carmen gave Maeve a small nod, turned, then raised his arm to take aim-- [color=F2C7CE]"Wha-- Hey!"[/color] The albino man grunted, suddenly being dragged away by someone else. He had the faintest inkling of seeing this guy before, but he was a little too preoccupied with being manhandled to really place it. Having been in such an awkward position, and being on such rough terrain, it took Carmen a good few minuets to get into a position to yank himself away from the other person trying to lead him out. He righted himself, straightened out his jacket, and looked between Maeve and this new young man... Who introduced himself as Reginald Dorvain. Carmen sighed and turned to make sure they were out of most of the mess before regarding the other man before him. [color=F2C7CE]"Look, I appreciate you trying to help, but I've got ways of getting out of bad spots a lot quicker than just walking. I'm a bit of--"[/color] Wait. [I]The[/I] Dorvain? Carmen stared at the stranger, eyes practically glowing behind his mask, before he lifted it to give the other person a good look. He suddenly realized where he'd seen this guy before, and excitement welled up inside him, the gems and danger quickly forgotten. [color=F2C7CE]"Did you say Dorvain? Weapon's mastermind, technological industry leader, guy with all the reverse-engineered Gem tech that'd make any college student's mouth water?"[/color] [@Akayaofthemoon] [@Raijinslayer]