[center][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-58a_1NBkbvI/VDI9GPBUodI/AAAAAAAAF8M/oY3OyxMt_Jc/s1600/obhvq04l.jpg[/img] Charlotte Wright 24|Second Generation Hunter|The Researcher January 24, Aquarius Charlotte comes from a well known although fairly new line of werewolf hunters. Her father being the most known of her family for wiping out almost an entire powerful werewolf pack in Haven, before he was bitten by one of the alpha's daughters, and her mother was forced to kill him. She has a sister and brother. Who along with her mother, who is still alive, specialize in werewolves even still. Charlotte is the first of her family to step away from hunting wolves, and focus on demons instead. Though she doesn't like to talk about her reason for the change, she is a very skilled hunter and is making a very good name for herself. She is also a skilled researcher of other races although she doesn't hunt them, firmly believing that knowledge is one of the best ways to keep herself safe. Currently she has joined a group of specialists who called her for her knowledge and skills in demon hunting. Not to mention that she has a somewhat personal experience with Incubi. While she is fairly skilled at close combat, she prefers long range weapons. Seeing that demons often have powers that can be deadly if to close, she prefers the small chance that she have time to move out of the way or find light before their powers can get to her. [Url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5f/8d/ab/5f8dab9452802b811adca0145acca76f.jpg]Side Tattoo[/url] [URL=https://m.youtube.com/?reload=7&rdm=2dqaqc77x#/watch?v=dZEnQogAd8U]Centuries - Fall Out Boy[/URL] [/center]