The Island of Vale is located about 400 miles of the coastline of Maryland and is about 2 miles long and 4 miles wide. The hospital is heavily guarded and located on the northeast end. The only way on or off the island is by boat. The docks are located on the south end of the island on the east side of the alcove. The landscape itself is pretty baron, the terrain is rocky/sandy with little to no grass except directly around the hospital. The hospital itself has two 30 ft fences surrounding it and both are topped with barbed wire. There is a double gate located at the entrance and is only able to open via remote control. Fully equipped to deal with mental patients as well as high risk security patients, the hospital is very modern in layout and only highly trained personnel work there around the clock. [hider=Island map] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Hospital] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Patient rooms] [img][/img] [/hider] Now, I am looking for not only patients, but guards, doctors, nurses, etc. Anything specific you want to play as I am open to. You can also play more than one character or have NPC doctors/guards that you use in your posts. The way I was thinking is that the patients aren't really insane or mentally ill. They are highly trained CIA, FBI, special forces, mercenaries that work for the government around the world and either went rogue and got caught or didn't fulfill a mission correctly and instead of the government getting rid of them, they just ship them off to the highly guarded island of Vale to perform experiments on. The experiments include the usual asylum treatments like lobotomies, electric shock therapy, blood letting, isolation and sense deprivation (being kept in small confined spaces with no sound, light, touch) Then there is the more modern twist where the government funds 'experiments' to try and create stronger/better humans. They developed serums and such to enhance humans. Ie better eyesight, hearing, reaction times, stronger more resilient skin, faster reflexes. The serums are injected into the patients body where they want to see results. So for keen eyesight the serum is injected I to the eyes, better hearing means it's injected into the eardrums, and so on and so forth. The rules are very simple and self explanatory. Do not be an ass, no god moding, no sex, be nice (ish), and no killing other people's characters! [hider=Character sheet] Name: Age: Description: (image or typed is fine) Occupation: Branch of government worked for: Location you were working in: History: Personality: Skills: Likes: Dislikes: Extra: [/hider] I will try and post my character sheet later this evening. If you have any additional questions please feel free to tag me or send me a PM! Thanks for your interest and I hope we can make this a kick ass RP!