[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/dumbledoresarmyroleplay/images/9/97/ChicagoGif.gif/revision/latest?cb=20160124133913[/img][/center] [h1][b][i][color=39b54a][center]Felix Hausten[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center]Location: The Block - outside Dr Keller's office [/center] Idiot. He almost threw his phone off one of the steps before taking his spare hand and messaging his temples slowly. Okay this would be fine, was what he told himself quickly and strictly. He just had to make a decision, which doctor should he check up on? There were too many options, too many leads, the sexual abuse one could be linked to the pasts of the two girls that were murdered, perhaps split up by some kind of insane nut job father. That sounded plausible...but now there was a bigger case at hand. There were three murders and the police were seeing some shrink about at least one. Think, he had to clear his head and think. Smack. He punched the ground beside him and shook his head. Logic had to take sway, he couldn't let luck determine where he went. The day wouldn't last forever and if he didn't make ground quick, he wouldn't be the grandioso to finish this! He'd be overshadowed and he'd probably be expected to write some deep biography about this guy who solved the case. No, that would not happen on his watch. He checked again. Dr Keller, he was closer, not even bothering to refresh the page he shoved his phone into his pocket and set off to take a jog down the street to the doctor's office, masking his dash by putting earphones in, to simulate the idea of him being an ill-prepared jogger. He sloed his jog down as he halted at the street adjacent to the doctor's office. He tugged his earphones out and stared at all the police, quickly going back on his phone and finding an article. [color=39b54a]"Oh for gods sake!" [/color] He said out loud as he made his way to the perimeter of the crime scene. This wasn't a good ending, hardly! It was too obvious, too short, too many loose ends. But he had this thought in his head. If this was the right shrink, why were the police meeting up with him...right before his murder. Those would be some fun questions to raise!