[h2][color=magenta]Ashton Griffone || The Cornerstone[/color][/h2] [@Evil Snowman][@LovelyAnastasia][@The Survivor][@dabombjk] Ashton blinked repeatedly as Kaori seemed to snap out of her shy state, to one of concern and worry. The tall blonde looked genuinely confused as she tilted her head to the side like a anime character going 'eh' to a odd situation. Slowly shaking her head at the question and trying to give a reassuring smile, fingers gingerly rubbing against the softer hands. Her own we're calloused from years of hard work, so a punch to them was barely felt. So long as one knew how to catch the punch. The tall blonde was used to the fact that she'd never be cute or pretty like many of the women in Shine City, but doing what she loved was worth the sacrifice of pretty skin. Plus, the army had already mostly ruined that part of her. So it took her off guard when someone worried over her like this. Ashton was too used to getting into some kind of danger. Gently, Ashton placed her hands over Kaori's in order to cease the search for medical aid. Honestly, Ashton was sure she was fine. Though the tall boyish looking woman wasn't sure how to reassure the red head. It was awefully kind of her. Mhmm this was something like out of a romance manga right? Maybe the princely approach would show her appreciation well enough. Or is that weird? They're both women so maybe not? Meh. Raising the soft hands, Ashton gently squeezed them reassuringly, giving her usual bright and cheerful smile. Before gently kissing the knuckles, giving a silent chuckle as she released them, settling with petting the top of the red hair. Trying her best not to mess it up. Blinking a bit as she felt a bump, she turned to look at the man with the laptop. Getting into a bit of a argument before ended up being backed up against the giant firefighter. Ashton could feel sweat slide down her temple at the three approaching men. It sure was a busy night. With a smile, she placed her strong hands on the the black haired man's shoulders before gingerly moving in front of him. Once again, using her tall form as a shield. She was about to apologize on his behalf, perhaps offer them drinks, but the white haired man with dark skin stepped in. Instead mostly just moving the fight outside. In which case, the semi-albino, and the irritated patrons went outside. The paler boy walked closer to her, asking for assistance before following the rest outside. Covering her eyes with her hand in a face palm, she slowly slid it down her face before gently grabbing the man with the laptop by the waist. Lifted him up, and set him down on a barstool, doing the same with Kaori. Fixing them with a gentle but firm amethyst gaze. Pointing at them then firmly at the ground. Her intention probably clear. 'Stay.' Before looking at the barkeeper with a nervous smile, placing her hands together in front of her and bowing a few times in apology, before quickly exiting. Just in time to see the three rush the white haired/dark skinned man and the smaller paper man rushing after them, in which case her eyebrows shot up and her mouth twitched in a 'eep' motion. Her face just saying 'oh dear lord no' at she witnessed the scene for a split second. Ashton reacted quickly though, sprinting foreword to try and outrun white haired pale skinned boy and reached her hands out. Left grabbing the guy on her left, right grabbing the guy on the right, all the while leaping and wrapping her legs around the one in the middle's neck. Causing him to fall flat on his front, though her legs helped break his face fall to concrete. All the while dragging down the rest of them. Mentally, she gave a ow but outwardly sighed in relief. She didn't particularly want any fight to break out and get anyone hurt. Blinking in confusion at the sound of muffled screaming, she looked down to see the man flailing in a attempt to get the Amazon sized woman off. Obviously failing. The other two struggled against her hands before the one on the left tried swinging at her. She sucked in her lips as her eyes widened before quickly dropped back to let them swing against one another, before shoving them off her belly and standing up. Brushing herself off, mentally groaning as she was sure her legs were going to be sore after that stunt. Glancing back at them, she saw the men stand and look pretty angry. Slightly stepping between them and the dark skinned man, she flashed another friendly smile, waving her hands. She really didn't want this to break out into a fight. Fighting wasn't necessary over a simple little accident. Of course, they didn't seem to care as one charged her. She reacted as she grabbed the punching arm, her other hand grabbing at the waist, before using his momentum to throw him over and back behind her to land in some bushes. However, there were the other two. And one of them managed to get a punch into her gut. Though he reared and shook his hand as if it hurt a little. The tall blonde have a pout as she rubbed her stomach before giving a sigh as she pondered how to handle this without actually hurting the silly thugs. So, standing tall, she raised her hands in front of her chest and fracked her knuckles in a loud manner. Her eyes sharper, looking a bit more intimidating. Though in her mind she was going off a checklist Marine taught her. Step 1: Pretend you've been awake for forty eight hours on the job. Step 2: Imagine you are going all Battousai like Kenshin or super Saiyan like Goku. Or Sephiroth. Step 3: Imagine trying to win a staring contest. Step 4: Don't get teary eyed. Step 5: Narrow the eyes in a attempt to look intimidating. Think that was all, and it seemed to work as the guy who had just punched her was a bit hesitant to try again. Still, for some reason, he lunged again. The tall blonde dropped as he threw one and missed, tripping over her as she snatched his ankles, flipping him over so he was hanging back to back to her. Standing up, he flailed as she just held his ankles tightly against her shoulders. Swinging him lightly from side to side, making him groan a bit dizzily as the blood rushed to his head. [color=red]"Gah let me down let me down!"[/color] he wailed as he struggled to get free from the iron clasped grip. And soon enough, she did and he thudded against the ground. Scrambling away. Ashton sighed, hoping the others were a little bit more reasonable. As she glanced to the rest to check if they are okay. She didn't really like fist fights. Why couldn't they have a cup a tea or something?