[@Chaotic Chao][@Wicked Sweet][@Ace of flames01][@sirena] [h3]Loki Cage[/h3] [hr] Loki Nodded to grace then gave a faint smile to Katherine. [color=lightblue]"Thank you..."[/color] he then looked at Alex and gave a slightly brighter smile her way. [color=lightblue]"Thanks for patching me up."[/color] he was met with a lot of it wasn't your fault line and ran a hand through his hair. He couldn't help but feel some of it was...he gave a nod to Taylor and saw the tears in his shirt he winced. [color=lightblue]"I'm guessing that was me....sorry."[/color] he know realized his mind had gone feral and that would explain the black spot in his memory between not wanting to turn and being stuck between forms. He inhaled and was soon talked to by the professor and given a pair of sunglasses. He put them on and relaxed a bit at the usual swath of darkness. [color=lightblue]"thanks. Though I wouldn't know because I can't really remember....We both made some mistakes today I guess."[/color] he slowly sat up and yawned. The yawn briefly showing all four of his sharpened canines and he slowly stood. He walked to Katherine and kissed her cheek. [color=lightblue]"Thank you for helping me."[/color] he then walked over to Alex, helped her up and hugged her before giving her a kiss on the cheek also. [color=lightblue]"Thank you for mending me"[/color] Then with minimal effort he picked her up and put her on the couch he was on. he then walked to a more open spot and shook out his muscles a bit. [color=lightblue]"I wouldn't say I'm unfit....but I don't think I should shift again for awhile. Don't think my body will let me"[/color] he went back to Katherine and noticed she seemed upset. He could feel it much like a cat or dog would. He picked her up and put her in q chair. He then pulled the chair over to the couch and sat on the floor. The way he was positioned was clear he was blocking both the girls from getting up. He tilted his head back and looked up at Katherine. [color]"I'd say you got traumatized because I looked horrific for a moment there. So...you get to stay there for a bit."[/color] he then looked at Alex. [color]"And you over did it with the healing so you get to stay there. Now. I will get whatever you two want for today"[/color] he gave a smile to both. He was trying to be as positive as possible...and trying to defuse any negative energy. It was clear he felt guilty. He looked at Taylor. [color=lightblue]"Same for you but I feel like you're not going to take me up on that"[/color]