[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLjIxNGE0Ni5RWGxoSUV0aFoyRnRhVzVsLjIA/blacksword.regular.png[/img][hr][hr][b]• Outside Club LUSH •[/b][hr][hr][/center] Speeding cars. Flashing lights. Bustling crowds. Shine City lived on, and so did its people, shining brighter than the few stars in the slightly clouded night sky. But not Aya, though. She had no idea why she was out this late. Really, she didn't know. Everyone else seemed to be walking or perhaps speeding towards some sort of designated area. They had places to go, places to be. But Aya? She really didn't know. It was one of those nights again, those nights where she would stay up until three in the morning, where she would down as much caffeine as she could so she could actually keep herself awake, those nights where she just let her mind wander places because she probably had a bad day, and where the most unusual thoughts and people popped up. It had been an odd few weeks. As the days hurried by, just like usual, just like always, Aya saw and felt the atmosphere around her to feel so monotonous and black and white that she could swear the colours around her were becoming dimmer by the day. That, or Shine City's epileptic seizure worthy lights had screwed up Aya's eyesight real bad. In a city full of colourful lights, colourful places and colourful people, everything sure was starting to look like a washed out photograph in her eyes. Aya hadn't felt this down in a long while. She wasn't necessarily [i]sad[/i], just really… bored. Super bored. Extremely bored. All she had been doing was walking for the past hour, when her intentions of getting out of the house this late beforehand was to actually find something to do. She could have thrown herself into Club LUSH, spoiled herself silly with some drinks and merge into a delirious drunken wave of people on the dancefloor. Heck, she was now so near to the place she could hear actual music booming from the building. But Aya decided not to. She wouldn't remember anything the next day anyways. So what was the point of it all? She really didn't know. Leaning against the wall of the infamous club, out of sight from the entrance, Aya gazed up at the moon, glistening behind filters of grey clouds. Just when was the last time everything around her had felt this… dull? She sunk down on a little ledge, feeling the obnoxiously loud music beat against her back. That was enough for Aya's ears today. No need to storm inside and have her eardrums explode from the overwhelming noise. Snuggling into her black hoodie for warmth, Aya brought her knees in, curling up into a ball and leaving her face barely exposed. Even from the other side of the wall she could feel the music slowly taking over her head, as if she was still in her silent bedroom with earphones plugged in. Her muscles eased up, and for some reason, her eyelids were fighting to keep themselves open. Aya would look up at the sky again, expecting it to look just as grey as it was a while ago. The moon shone a brilliant white, unscathed by the late summer clouds.