[@Prince of Seraphs] Alright, here's the basic gist of the IC, you can get character essential information from the OOC: There's this big evil villain dude known as the Black Hound. He's been going around killing British Politicians (And maybe causing trouble elsewhere) and making a real big fuss globally because of those assassinations. Though, he's merely a mook (An [i]elite[/i] mook) to the Founding Family. Back in Baybridge, there was a fair, in which DOVE leader (Deborah Javuant) decided to make an appearance. Which drew the Black Hound to the festival, and he "missed" a few shots at Deborah. During her escape, he summoned his legion of mooks, and tore the place up after her. He was distracted by a man (Malik Jakane) who decided to jump in, and nearly killed Malik, but was stopped by RAVEN and driven off. Afterwards, it turns out that there was a mole in DOVE, and the RAVEN characters captured her and made her spill the beans on the Founding Family. Meanwhile, Meifeng infiltrated a shipping company in Singapore, and stole a briefcase full of a strange glowing liquid. On her way out of there, she was attacked by one of the Founding Family's Metahumans, and she thoroughly got her ass handed to her. Fortunately, she was saved by the Singaporean military, and managed to get back to America. A few days later (current times), and the Black Hound beats up a bunch of kids (PCs: Rowan, and Wendy, and NPCs: Diana, Kiri, and Jessica) in Eastgriffin Ruins, and stole their lunch money. He kidnapped Diana, Kiri, and Jessica, and spared Wendy and Rowan out of a vague sense of altruism. Afterwards, the kids were hauled to the RAVEN/DOVE Headquarters and were given medical attention, and Wendy was questioned about what happened. Afterwards, Wendy, and Malik were contacted by a mysterious benefactor telling them where to find the Founding Family. Everything else can be gleaned from reading my latest IC post. There's also a bunch of gay stuff, but that's not important.