[h3][color=00a651]Meirin Kurenai[/color][/h3] Meirin smiled and laced her fingers in front of her face. [color=00a651]"True, though I'm still not quite that good at flying. I think a competition would be a great idea, though the pride of some people in Djarkel might not take kindly to losing. I'll admit... I don't like losing either. And I'm not worried about any mundane threats. I've fought bandits for most of my life, if anything we should be more worried about a Djarkel Winter. Djarkel was already a cold and hostile place, and the winter introduces the living to the dead."[/color] Meirin remembered one time when she was escorting travelers through the winter, instead of facing off against bandits who knew better than to be out when it's cold, she had to fight off undead. They were weak, sure, but numerous. And it was unnerving to see people who should be dead moving about and fighting. Even slicing their heads off didn't stop them. She wondered what it would have taken... Her attention was broken when she heard someone singing. She glanced at first, before noticing it was Tyrael and Lyn. Meirin has met Tyrael very few times, despite how often she teaches Lyn basic self-defense. Part of her couldn't accept Tyrael for being a demon, and certainly not after what he did in the catacombs. He literally lost control of the situation and nearly killed not only Mar's people, but the students too. It was a good thing the others were diplomatic, or else Meirin wouldn't know what would have stopped Tyrael. More importantly however, Lyn seemed happy, if a bit beat up. Meirin was understanding of this at least: while she was never so hard that they needed to see Sam, Meirin felt that a few scrapes and bruises were good to help Lyn get accustomed to pain. She needed to know how it was like to take a hit, though Meirin teaches her to dodge more often than block or deflect. [color=00a651]"Lyn! Lyn, come sit over here!"[/color] Meirin called out to the girl just as Tyrael walked into the kitchen. Meirin scooted over so Lyn where she could be directly across Ssarak. Meirin knew that Ssarak has been seeing Lyn and her mother for therapeutically reasons. Meirin wished she could come, but more often then not Meirin was busy with her own classes when Ssarak would go talk to them, or she's doing her own therapy session talking to Khan. So Meirin enjoyed these rare few chances were she and Lyn could talk in person. [h3][color=fff79a]Myrn Vaan'Atisha[/color][/h3] [color=fff79a]"Because you're just a cute lil ball of fire, that's why!"[/color] Truly, the snow elf warmed Myrn's heart and body. Mostly body, since Myrn was still a bit chilly despite the extra furs she put on. While they were fine keeping her warm in the halls and buildings, just one walk through the courtyard has left her legs soaked and freezing her toes. She could really use a fire to warm her feet right about now. [color=fff79a]"At first I thought it was rather ironic that a snow elf would be a pyromancer, but now that I think about it, it's much more useful! You're easily resistant to the cold but others aren't, so you can use your magic to help keep others warm. Of course, holding you close is all that I need to be nice and toasty!"[/color] Myrn nuzzled Aramir's cheek, showing a level of affection she showed absolutely no one. Even if someone accidentally brushed into her, Myrn would give that person a look as if she intended to murder them on the spot. Not the case with Aramir. She was too small and cuddly to hurt. Though as she was holding the snow elf and walking away, Myrn remembered that she did actually want to ask Aramir something. So shifting Aramir in her arms, Myrn took out a piece of paper for Aramir to see. It was a flyer asking for students to go to Yarosmere and investigate the situation there. [color=fff79a]"I was thinking about going to Yarosmere. Some crazy stuff is happening down there, and I could use someone to watch my back."[/color] Raising Aramir up a bit higher, Myrn whispered into her ear. [color=fff79a]"I know you're already familiar with it..."[/color] Myrn gave Aramir a dark chuckle as she remembered that fond memory so long ago.