[center][color=lightseagreen][h2]Rue Alastair[/h2][/color][/CENTER] [hr] [color=PowderBlue]Rue was humming [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nSAwgCoy2s]J'envoie Valser [/url] as he strolled down the sidewalk, a basil leaf in his mouth, Ange-Coeur draped happily across his shoulders, her soft tail coming up every ten seconds to brush his face, drawing attention to high cheek bones. But when he saw the people about to fight, he stopped humming and frowned. At least one of them seemed drunk, but the others appeared quite sober. And there was one man who stood at a distance, seeming to observe everything as he typed on a laptop. What an odd tableau. But then again, he's seen stranger things. [color=lightseagreen]"Tell me, [i]belles personnes,"[/i][/color] he called out in accented English, frowning. [color=lightseagreen]"Why do you fight?"[/color] his frown melted as his beloved tortoiseshell rubbed a soft cheek against his, reaching up to scratch her chin with a finger. Everything about him screamed [i]elegant and kind[/i]. From his warm green eyes, to the obvious love he felt for the multi-colored feline. Then he frowned again as an errant, probably out-of-place thought occurred to him. [color=lightseagreen]"We're being rude, Ange,"[/color] he told her. [color=lightseagreen]"I am Ruelle Alastair, but call me Rue. And this [i]belle fille[/i] is Ange-Couer."[/color] He bowed as best as he could without dropping his cat, smiling. [/color]