[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#33ccff]Sayuki Kyasarin[/color][/h1][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/trinity-seven/images/1/12/Levi_ep6_preview_AN.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141110162211[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Floor 1 - Town of Beginnings - The Inn Interacting With: Kirito [@BlueSky44] [/center][hr][hr]Kyasarin woke up with a jolt, gasping for air. Feeling the bed sheets next to her, it all came rushing back to her. Rubbing her arms and legs, she slowly worked feeling into all of them, kicking and stretching each leg in turn, as if to confirm the NerveGear continued to allow her to use them. She let out a sigh of relief, running her hands through her hair. That was one of the luxuries of SwordArt--her hair never seemed to tangle, remaining in the same style constantly. Slipping on her armor, Kyasarin equipped her sword and headed down to the main area of the Inn. Kyasarin nodded at Egil, hardly recognizing the name. She shrugged her shoulders, not caring when he left. Smirking at Kirito, she stretched her arms, standing up on her toes as she let out a yawn. [color=33ccff]"Awww, knew you loved me, Kirito! Let's get to work then, shall we? Got some shmucks to battle."[/color] Glancing at the main menu, Kyasarin blushed slightly. She generally didn't sleep as long as she had, but to be fair, she'd never slept while logged in before. She had always thought the system would log you out for inactivity, but that certainly wouldn't happen anymore. Not while the Gamemaster held them all hostage, practically identical to how the Suicide Squad had bombs in their necks. [color=33ccff]"Did you talk to any InfoBrokers about where's the best spot to farm now?"[/color] Kyasarin inquired. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=cc33ff]Starkette[/color][/h1][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/3ca10a68e4d5da88fadcac466d4725d6/tumblr_inline_my79ox66RS1s13vhw.png[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Floor 1 - Tolbana Town Interacting With: [@BlueSky44] [@sMoKe] [@Jedly][/center][hr][hr]Starkette stared at the system messages screen, scrolling through the mindless posts. Already, there seemed to be a sort of order evolving within the game. People had become established as reporters, InfoBrokers, blacksmiths, guild leaders, teachers, and politicians. A society all of its own had started to find its feet, just two days after being cut off from reality. Gulping a bit, she scanned the press for her name, praying that there wouldn't be a single mention of Guinevere Stark, daughter of a billionaire CEO and a reality TV star. Letting out a sigh of relief, Starkette left the relative safety of the Inn Room. True to her suspicions, no other players had arrived in Tolbana Town. It must have been a glitch that brought them there, likely from server overload. But with each player that died, that problem became lesser and lesser. Merchants, all NPCs as far as she could tell, were selling their wares. Still, they couldn't just sit around all day. They had to keep on moving. Starkette dragged her hand in the air in front of her, pulling up a map of the first floor of SAO. Studying it intently, she frowned, pinching her lip with her fingers. [color=cc33ff]"We aren't even close to the boss for this floor..."[/color] Starkette observed, a bit thankful for that. Their levels were woefully low for any sort of combat. She wanted at least a decent 50 HP buffer before fighting anything massive. The stakes were far too high to justify anything else. [color=cc33ff]"We might as well be honest with ourselves and what we are,"[/color] Starkette pointed out. [color=cc33ff]"A guild."[/color]