Jenso's flames climbed Orobo's vine insanely fast, reaching his proxy body and lighting it aflame instantly. The vine that headed for Dacer had been dodged as well, and Dacer followed suit, firing a miniature inferno from his bow and lighting the second vine on fire in quick succession. The two vines burned away quicker than normal, and Orobo swung his body left and right, trying to put out the flames to no avail. The flames began to die down regardless, as the mossy parts of his body burned away. Jenso's second strike cracked the dome this time, and they didn't seem to re-seal. The side of the dome instead, fell apart, revealing another layer beneath it. Orobo flung newly spawned rocks in all directions, like a fountain of earth, trying to cover and crush everything around him. Tiger dodged swiftly, and Dacer fired more flaming arrows at Orobo's body, but they didn't seem to have as much of an effect now.