[h2][color=00a651]Rebekah Green[/color][/h2] The scene that greeted the trainee supers seemed larger than life, chaotic, and a bit overwhelming. The dark street and shell of the factory were lit by helicopter searchlights over head, the red beams coming from the robot and flickering flames coming from further inside. Amid all of that, just a few small, dark figures zipped back and forth, dancing between the colossal droid's spinning arms. They were all that was containing it. Rebekah stopped dead. Did she really want to go and tangle with that thing? Surely any sane person should just be running. Rebekah liked to think of herself as sane. She hesitated for a moment. No, for tonight she wasn't just Rebekah the Sane. It was time to be Karearea, the agile, fast-moving falcon that took on prey larger than itself and took them down with skill and precision. It was time to be super. Deep breath in, here goes. She head Mako call out for information, and looked up for a place to get a good view of the situation. Her eyes found a balcony across the street, and in a moment she teleported up to it. She could see the whole battle unfolding, as well as Mr. Incredible, racing up a fire escape to get above the robot. [color=00a651]"Up above!"[/color] she called down. [color=00a651]"Just around the corner!"[/color] As she yelled, the robot staggered in her direction, tripped by a quickly growing vine. She had to teleport further up to stay out of its reach, but then came back down as it moved away. Remembering the story of how earlier omnidroids had been defeated, namely from the inside out, Karearea set about piercing the robot's shell. Karearea retrieved a tiny glass vial from its pocket in her backpack, which was filled with battery acid. It couldn't have contained more than a thimbleful of liquid, but it grew until it fit comfortably within her fist. The robot passed by again and she hurled the container down until it shattered near the top of the omnidroid's spherical body. With the acid in place and fizzing away, she focussed her power into the liquid, growing the small splatter into something much bigger and more powerful. In a matter of seconds, she was able to make twice as much, then five, ten, twenty and a hundred times as much acid. She stopped increasing it for a moment to study the results of her actions. If that much wasn't enough to melt a good-sized hole in the robot's outer casing, she could always try a different tactic, or just add more.