Cassie struggled out of the car. It had been an awkward and uncomfortable ride thanks to her armored suit. Seeing the robot, Cassie was in shock. When they said robot, she didn't think they meant [i]this[/i] robot. This thing was another result of Mr. Incredible's 'one bad day', created by a boy he had spurned who had idolized him, who then turned his life's purpose into a crusade against supers. "Syndrome doesn't have to be alive for one of his toys to run amok," Cassie thought out loud, wondering if he had potentially preprogrammed any behaviors that would either be triggered by a period of inactivity or in the event of his death. Perhaps it was futile to think these thoughts at the moment. Cassie regained her composure and emitted a resounding 'DING'; her father's superhero callsign, a reassuring signal that he had arrived. Cassie looked to see if the robot was preferentially listing in any particular direction while it was in the process of being restrained by the others. If it was, she would lay some white, frisbee-sized discs along its path; harmonic traps. She then raised a hand towards the robot and started pinging it with sound blasts of different frequencies, listening to the echo's distortion and refraction in an effort to determine the resonant frequency of the material the robot was made of, or if it even had a resonant frequency.