[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Anastasia Beaumont[/color][/h1] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvzqk2ZjrQ1r3h4ef.gif[/img] Location: Vanessa's Restaurant Interacting With: [@BeautifulSnow] Vanessa [@rivaan] Natasha, [@BlackPanther]Gage & Aron & [@Caits] Cassandra[/center] [hr][hr] Anastasia didn't mean to make a strange face when the mention of the wolves, she was also new to the town as well and could understand where the woman was coming from. "Sorry I didn't mean to, i'm also very new to the town like I said." Anastasia said as she thought about the campsite she wasn't sure if the camp was cleaned up or not since the attack. But then again it really wasn't her place to say that they should get it cleaned up or not. [color=cyan]"I'm sure you will find someone who is willing to be interviewed on the wolf attack, i'm not sure the victims of the attack though would be willing to give out any info though."[/color] Anastasia said with a slight shrug as she ran a hand through her hair. Anastasia looked towards Natasha once more she could see the woman was either irritated or had some sort of headache. Anastasia turned her head as she saw the twins Gage and Aron enter the little café along with Cassandra, she didn't know the twins but she remembered the brief conversation with her and Cassandra a week ago and gave her a soft smile. [color=cyan]"Hi there Cassandra, how are you doing?"[/color] Anastasia asked as she grabbed her cup of coffee and took a drink of it and set it back down onto the counter.