[center][h2][b]IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT[/b][/h2][/center] [b]I have been doing a lot of talking with my co-GMs and people on this guild who I consider friends and its made me have to think long and hard about my reputation on this site. Now in other threads on here I have gotten in my fair share of back and forths, nothing too major but recent enough for it to effect the way a couple people perceive and that's totally FINE it comes with territory of being on the internet. But I've been notified that my reputation as it were has also spilled over into my beloved Shine City RP and is making people in this very RP not comfortable about me being the GM and that really does bother me. Ive been on the internet since I was 9, flame wars, arguments, blocking, snarking, its all 2nd nature to me, I have almost zero emtional investment in 'online conflict' because thats exactly what it is, 'online' I can turn my computer off and do something else. But.... Shine City means A LOT to me, when I first created the first season, It was in direct response to how cold, and edgy most of the RPs in advanced section were at the time (not that there is anything wrong with that, it can be really cool) but I wanted to create a fun happy space where we could date with our ultimate fantasy anime girls and guys in a easy-going sandbox environment. The idea that is under threat now, and my happy space is no longer happy because of me, really breaks my heart. And I can honestly apologise to anyone who has taken the interest and time to make an amazing character for my RP wholeheartedly for ruining their experience. But I know that apologies don't mean shit without action, so as of now I will be [u]leaving this RP as GM and will forfeit all my characters to be taken over by anyone else or removed if needed.[/u] I leave the RP in the very capable hands of [@MyCatGinger] as the new GM and Co-GM [@Delta44] and also [@Narcotic Dollie] when she returns. Thank you all for populating this amazing city and making my life happier IRL for 4 whole seasons. Your former boss, Dynamo Frokane[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAPaGu0fWDE]<3[/url] [/b]