[center][b]Part 1 of a collab between [@MyCatGinger] [@lovely complex] and [@Viciousmarrow][/b] [h3][color=57c5db]"Fuck me,[/color] [color=#c7a848]I'm Lucky."[/color][/h3][/center] [b]Club Lush, Around Midnight. (00:00)[/b] A familiar voice in the crowd had Lucky searching over the laser light show until his gaze settled on the enchanting face of Li-zue… No, Li-zee-ew? Lizeeweezee? Liquorice? He had no goddamn idea how to pronounce the Asian lady’s actual name, just simply referred to her as “Licks” like most everybody else. She was a beauty for sure, but she was also one of his… [i]patients[/i] who came to him for their medicine. By some miracle, Nina and Tsubasa had tangled themselves up in a rowdy dance, which gave him ample time to scurry over to the curvaceous DJ. Moving his hips to the beat with both hands in his pockets, he stepped closer to the woman, who was obviously craving a fix. [color=#c7a848]”Hey, even you have to admit I look good with a shirt off.”[/color] his rough, Southern tone teased, smirking warmly at her. [color=#c7a848]”As for the ladies, well the older one’s my roommate who can’t seem to get a date. The other is…”[/color] He didn’t know Tsubasa well enough to call her a friend but he didn’t exactly want to introduce her as a stranger. [color=#c7a848]“That’s my hot date. If you see us slip out, then you can bet your ass someone’s getting Lucky.”[/color] A coy wink emphasized what he meant, even though it was already conspicuous. Getting to the point of their meeting, he shadily withdrew a tiny, zip-lock bag and quickly handed it to Licks. [color=#c7a848]”Anyway, I’ve gotta run for now. I’ll be back in a bit for the dosh.”[/color] The well toned ginger boogied himself away, back over to his two lady friends. Honestly, he wasn’t really sure if he would see that money tonight, but she had proven to be good for the money in the past. There was no reason to believe she wouldn’t pay him when asked, so long as he didn’t try to fuck her over, which wasn’t exactly in his business model. Tsubasa was only momentarily pushed away from Lucky and pulled into Nina’s arms instead, as he promptly got rid of his flannel jacket, and - as promised - his white tank-top, too. Nina was warm and cuddly and loud, and Tsubasa was giggling like a schoolgirl, her own drink clutched in her hand possessively as she tried to imitate what everyone else was doing on the dancefloor. She moved her hips a little, and, downing the last half of her glass in thirsty gulps, handed the empty glass to a startled nearby stranger, who, in less than half a minute, had already passed it on. She threw her hands in the air and tossed her head side to side, her hips wiggling awkwardly at first, but then more confidently. She even took the older woman’s hands and did a mini-tango with her, that lasted a couple of giggly seconds before it dissipated, too. Even in her drunken mind, she blinked over at Lucky when noticing his absence, and her hazel eyes glinted, her cheeks flushed with surprise. Thank goodness she wasn’t the one who had to take her [url=http://image.prntscr.com/image/b3cbc9965150491080c19c01390aecd4.png] dress[/url] off. Still, with her cheeks flushed and her eyes cloudy, there was something a lot more alluring about him, bare chest, light sheen of sweat and all, that playful look in his eyes that reminded her of a fox. Something about clubs was just that - it made you want and do crazy things. And she felt the need to have her hands, her body, all over him, and not just him, but Nina, too. This handsome stranger, whom she only just met, and the equally beautiful woman who he was lucky to have as a roommate. He returned to dance with them shortly after spending a spell in the crowds, and twirled the girls expertly, eliciting even more giggles and squeals from Tsubasa, cheeks hot and eyes half-lidded in what appeared to be drowsiness, but wasn’t quite. Then she felt her body pressed up flush against the older woman’s all of a sudden, using the opportunity to gaze blankly into her glacier-blue eyes. She gave her a cheeky smile, hardly realising just how close she was to Nina that way. She could hardly feel it, but her breasts, even straining against the dress, were pressing up against hers, close, hot and tight, and- Suddenly, Nina was stolen away by some stranger. Tsu, having no idea about the teacher’s true emotions, innocently presumed she was happy being swung into someone else’s arms to have a good time for the night. That left just her and Lucky alone, then…[i]Oh my.[/i] The song was not the most pleasant to the older woman’s ears as she brought her companions to the dance floor. Nina was use to dancing on a ballroom or at a romantic restaurant… or in the comfort of her condo. Her bliss was slowly dissipating, because when she got this drunk her emotions shifted like a hurricane. Unknown bodies rubbed against her and even when Lucky twirled both his ladies to be a smooth criminal, the teacher felt her world unnervingly spinning. Her physique was pushed up against Tsubasa, their chests touching each other like some yuri erotica. If it weren’t for the abundance of alcohol in her system, she would be ashamed of herself (she was still kind of ashamed but that was tomorrow’s worries). A royal mess waiting to happen. Someone snatched her hand from Lucky and pulled her towards him. She didn’t like this. She didn’t like this at all. Looking back at her roommate and his crush, her gaze caught sight of them being completely enraptured with each other and dancing… on the risque side… Lucky snickered gaudily as he returned to see Nina taken away by a random stranger, a desperate maiden pulled into mass of raving bodies. How about that?! Someone had actually taken some interest in her despite the monotonous clothing she wore! He didn’t worry about it, knowing fully well (or at least assuming) that the teacher could take care of herself should things go awry. For now, the bare chested American grooved up behind the adorable brunette, who seemed to be having a good time, inebriated as she was. Unexpectedly, he lowered his hand, reeled it back just enough, and planted a firm smack on Tsu’s swaying booty with a wide grin sprawled across his visage. Honestly, he couldn’t help himself. Lucky threw the newbie right into the deep end of the more erotic side of dancing, grabbing hold of her hips and swinging in tandem with her body. His head hovered at her shoulder and leaned in. [color=#c7a848]”I thought you said you were bad at this.”[/color] he whispered teasingly, his lips so close to the sensitive skin of her earlobe. [color=57c5db]“Eep!”[/color] the shorter woman, body pressed up against Lucky’s, squealed in surprise when she felt a hand, strong and masculine, splayed across her behind, if only for a couple of seconds. It was a firm smack, indeed, and left her a little frazzled. Alas, this lasted only momentarily, and thanks to the drink now having full governing control over her tongue, thoughts and emotions, she was hardly able to resist his advances. Thankfully, it was Lucky, after all, and not some stranger. ...well, except for the fact that he had been a stranger up until hardly an hour ago, and...no. That wasn’t on Tsubasa’s mind at that very moment. Instead, a very different idea had begun to take shape,and this particular idea was semi-conscious, semi-inebriated. She could feel his body up against hers, muscular from what his job demanded of him, but lean, too. It rippled behind her and, despite a little initial struggling, the brunette found herself quite enjoying herself, her hips moving naturally now, more fluid, up against one very Lucky gentleman. Hell, in her inebriated state, she had even reached her arms up, gently slinging them around his neck and letting her hand lose itself in his mess of sunset hair, illuminated by the club’s lights. She could feel him whisper into her ear, and only gently tilted her face up in response with her eyes still half-lidded and the look of typical tipsiness plastered all across her face. She was smirking, and blushing, with pale irises cloudy like autumn skies. Normal Tsubasa wouldn’t have known how the rules of this game worked. And somehow, drunk-Tsubasa seemed to want to play it for keeps. [color=57c5db]“Maybe you’re my [i]Lucky[/i] charm, hmm…?”[/color] she spoke in a low, sultry, secretive whisper, as if meant for his ears only, but was noticeably slurring her words. She let her lips trace his jawline - hardly innocently - when they were that close, her hands moving away and stroking down his strong forearms, finally reaching his where they were on on her hips, which hardly stopped moving (gyrating, even, now) and cupping over them, as if to instruct him to hold on to her body. Closer, tighter. And then her hips jerked gently, with her doing more of a typical grind as you would see in a club-scene up on this handsome new stranger who, at this rate, might possibly be a new friend in no time. Nina’s heart was racing, the lights were blinding, the girls were unclassy, the place smelt like sweat… and this scruffy stranger grabbed her close like she belonged to him. [color=tomato][i]I hate it. I hate it. I hate this![/i][/color] His legs were extremely close with hers and she could hardly hear what he was saying but there was no doubt he was a wolf that wanted to devour this innocent lamb of a woman, who looked like she could be his age (but really, she was most likely seven/eight years older than him). Damn, this girl was on fire! All of a sudden, he was questioning if this was Tsubasa’s first rodeo or not. Maybe it was just the alcohol speaking for her, but the sensual sorceress before him was putting a honey sweet spell on him. Lucky could feel his heartbeat accelerate and his skin flush as he clasped his hands tighter against her waist at his partner’s silent request, the pangs of want reverberating internally. The sensation of her grinding up against him combined with her inviting lips so close to his own was driving him crazy. Had they not been in a room filled with hundreds of people, Lucky might have dared to get more intimate with this lovely vixen right then and there. It was a strange feeling for him, as he was someone who wasn’t always interested in sexual endeavors. Normally, the prospect of flirting and taking a woman out was enough for him. Maybe his prior years of heroin abuse had killed his libido, but Tsu was quickly stirring the beast within. [color=#c7a848]”Lucky charm, eh? Does that mean you want to taste the rainbow?”[/color] he seductively purred back to her. He never thought in a million years he’d be using the tagline for a popular breakfast cereal in a pickup line, but hey, it seemed to work out. Lucky was lost in trance as the two of them bopped to the beat, and he completely forgot about Nina. As far as he was concerned, it was just him and Tsubasa on the dance floor, a fire whirl that felt like it was going burn the whole damn place down. He barely knew this girl, but almost desperately, he wanted to get to know her better. Maybe this was just going to be a one-night thing, but he didn’t care. This angel was here and now, and he was going to make use of every minute he had with her. The music playing in the club had turned fluid, as compared to the heavy reverberating bass from earlier. This in turn may have added to Tsubasa’s nature, sensual and sexy, and quite eager to please one very Lucky man. The lyrics of the song pounded in the background, [color=magenta][i]I been livin’ cloud nine, I been at it all night, I been feelin’ so loved. I been waking up lit, I been makin’ up shit, I been spillin’ my guts.[/i][/color] Once his hands were just where she wanted them, Tsubasa murmured something soft into his jawline, her arms up and slung gently around the taller man’s neck yet again. It was almost as if it was an open invitation to do as he pleased with her body, and suddenly, it felt as if her dress clung to her body a lot tighter, creasing gently under his touch. Her lips grazed the corner of his mouth, the young woman able to feel his warm breaths against her neck and her cheek. She moved a hand to his face, gingerly rubbing her thumb over his bottom lip, her own parted as she panted, as if drawn into this man and his heady presence, his presence that was so foreign to her and like nothing she was raised with. He was absolutely wild and untamed, and reminded her of a tiger, whereas she, in comparison, was the prim and proper, pampered housecat. She leaned in closer, hardly focusing on the dancing anymore, but more the feeling of being in this man’s arms. Her voice came out in a gasp, short but dripping with desire already. Her head was light; she felt herself slipping. She breathed in his skin, just like the rest of him it was wild and had an air of untameability. She moaned and mumbled against his lips, hot and wanting, [color=57c5db] “L-Lucky…”[/color] [color=magenta][i]Fuck my life, I love my life.[/i][/color] And then things got awkward… The boy, yes, he was definitely a boy, who wore a fitted cap, baggy pants that were nearly down to his knees, and a red tank, licked his lips while trying to grind his ‘thing’ on Nina. He hovered over her and gingerly brought his lips closer to her, obviously wanting to make out with the drunkard teacher. [color=tomato][i]No more![/i][/color] With all the force she could muster, she tried to pull him away only for him to disgustingly mouth, “Where you goin’ baby? The fun’s just started.” With sudden anger and a building anxiety, the overwhelmed brunette brought her hand up to his face and scratched (clawed) it, causing him to bleed. “You fucking bitch!” While she tried to run away he reached for her hair, but somehow by the gods, all he was able to do was undo it. Her hair clip dropped to the ground and before he knew it, Nina had sprinted into the crowd with her gorgeous, long hair falling behind. It would be a lie to say that Lucky wasn’t hot and bothered, considering Tsubasa’s own eagerness. Her touch was exciting and foreign, practically burning with every movement. His desires were twisting and turning, just like the masses around him. He simply couldn’t take this tantalizing display. It was driving him mad. Lucky let go of Tsubasa’s hips and snatched her hand into his own, acting on impulse as he was like to do. [color=#c7a848]”C’mon…”[/color] Fervently, the redhead strode off the dance floor with his companion in tow, only one thing on his mind: the backseat of the car. As they passed the front door, he collected his flannel jacket, although his tank top had presumably gotten thrown away or lost in the mountain of bodies. There was no need to put it on though; he just wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to be completely shirtless for the rest of the night. His pace hastened as they neared the car, and once they did, Lucky wrenched the backdoor open with surprising vigor. With a scandalous grin, he practically pushed Tsu inside, tossed his flannel jacket in the front, and not missing a beat, he leapt on her like a tiger catching its prey. His lips went straight to her neck, passionately nipping and nursing her flesh. The flames of yearning were beginning to get out of control. Her long brown hair strewn across the backseat of the familiar car, Tsubasa’s head was spinning. In a moment, Lucky was on top of her, and her hands were acting as of their own accord, running down his bare back - he still hadn’t put a shirt on - and trailing her nails down his back, enough to leave little marks in streaks down it. As his lips teased and tortured the sensitive skin of her neck, she tossed her head back, letting out another, quieter moan into the hot atmosphere of the car. [color=57c5db]“L-lucky…!”[/color] she gasped between breaths, her eyes squeezed shut and her cheeks still flushed red-hot. Her hands were in his hair now, pulling him closer, and her legs spread of their own accord, one even thrown around him at the hips. [color=57c5db]“I...I have to tell you something...mhh…! P-please...”[/color] Her words were failing her, and not without good reason. Her back arched to meet his body, and she could feel every contour of his chest against how-suddenly-thin her dress seemed. Her words came out in a final gasp, breathless and wanting but still holding some semblance of sobriety [color=57c5db]“Lucky, I’ve...I-I’ve never done this before...I-I’m a virgin…!”[/color] Those fateful words caught Lucky off guard and he suddenly broke out of his enamored trance. Raising himself back up and giving Tsu enough room to get up and sit, he blinked exactly thrice at her, his iron hued orbs bleeding a mixture of confusion and regret. [color=#c7a848]”Shit… Really? I’m sorry. I kinda just got really into the moment. I… uh... “[/color] the man wasn’t exactly sure what else to say, but he obviously respected her enough to turn his own ambitions aside. This was probably one of the worst ways a lady could lose their V card, after all. In the back of a random car with a guy you’ve just met? Not to mention she wasn’t exactly sober. A tinge of guilt struck him at the thought of her inebriated state. Lucky wasn’t the type of guy to take advantage of girls like that. [color=#c7a848]”Are you okay?”[/color] he finally asked her, hoping she wasn’t terrified of him now. [color=57c5db]“I-I…”[/color] the younger woman breathed, the clouds from her eyes suddenly seeming to part. As Lucky got off her, she sat up slowly, placing a hand over her chest and patting herself down gently, slowly, almost as if she were frightened some part of her was missing. Her eyes, dark brown in the lightless conditions of the back of the car, finally met his, filled with concern, and suddenly she realised where she was, and just what she was doing. [color=57c5db]“N-no, it’s okay…”[/color] she whispered to him, lifting a trembling hand and stroking his cheek with a worried look about her dazed doe-eyes. The situation dawned on her bit by bit, and as her eyes cleared, her cheeks grew redder. [color=57c5db]“I promise, it’s alright, I…”[/color] [color=57c5db]“I-I’m fine...I promise, Lucky.”[/color] she shook her head. Her eyes were bleary, though she didn’t seem to wear a troubled expression, [color=57c5db]“I-I...It’s okay…”[/color] she said, a little sombrely. [color=57c5db]“I-it’s okay if it’s...my first time.”[/color] Her tone had changed considerably, and she found herself suddenly cold, rubbing her arms gently and adjusting herself into the seat of the car. She looked over at Lucky with what she hoped was a smile, but the corners of her mouth betrayed their gentle twitching. She was going to frown, but tried to stop herself. She couldn’t tell him why, but it really was okay. She only had thirty days. Only thirty days to experience what people had an entire lifetime to. Inside, she was screaming, ‘Please, please make love to me. Please...please!’ and it took all of her effort to bite her lip and keep herself from tearing up, though they had already appeared in the corners of her eyes, yet again. It seemed the day just got more hectic, for Tsubasa. An entire lifetime, to do everything she could never do, and to meet everyone she could never meet… somehow that rang a bell. Frantically, her head spun around, and the realisation dawned upon her. [color=57c5db]“Lucky? Where’s Nina…?!”[/color] Despite everything, the brunette seemed like she still wanted to continue with their tryst. It was honestly quite surprising to Lucky, and he was stuck trying to figure out why anyone want to have their first time like this. Maybe she just wanted to get it over with? Nonetheless, he didn’t feel like he could do that. Not here, anyway. At the very least, the redhead wanted to take her out for lunch or dinner, then maybe that would be acceptable. [color=#c7a848]“I don’t think I can-”[/color] He was in the middle of denying her when she blurted out the fact that Nina was missing. Right! They had thrown the older woman to the wolves, and now… [color=#c7a848]”[i]Fuck.[/i] Let’s make sure she’s alright.”[/color] he exclaimed, hastily grabbing the flannel shirt from the front and dawning it. Then, carefully, he took Tsu’s hand and led them outside the car, quickly heading back inside the Club. Hopefully nothing bad had happened to Nina… Lucky wasn’t sure he could live with himself if his roommate was harmed in some fashion.