Reiji's attention was suddenly grabbed when the door to the lab and the Professor stood before them. [color=green][i]Yeah such a great day to wait I guess.[/i][/color] he thought to himself before hearing the news about the creepazoid across the road. [color=green][i]Great mouthing off to a member of the Elite Four way to go Reiji[/i][/color] he added to his train of thought as he walked into the lab. The lab was unlike anything he had ever seen but in the coolest way all the tech and machinery made the place look nearly futuristic. After a short while and the others getting their Pokemon Reiji heard his name and stepped forward receiving his PokeDex and a PokeBall. After stepping back from the professor Reiji opened the PokeBall and out popped a Pokemon he was all to familiar with. The small blue and black dog like creature looked up at him grinning mischievously as the PokeDex registered him. Pokédex Entry #447 – Riolu, the Emanation Pokémon. It can see the emotions of others in the form of their “auras”, and can also alert others using its own aura when feeling strong emotions. While small, Riolu is really strong. While sensitive to it, Riolu cannot effectively utilize aura. - Would you like to give Riolu a nickname? - Reiji listened to the voice of the PokeDex in his hand and looked down only to click no. [color=green] "No need to give you a nickname you seem to be perfect the way you are" [/color] he said smiling a the little Pokemon before looking up to Professor Kalmia. [color=green] "Thank you so much professor Riolu is perfect." [/color] he said grinning as he and Riolu walked back to where the others were standing.