Yay, I got my character done! Here she is, hopefully I'm not forgetting anything. [hider=61854] [center][h1]PRINCIPALITY OF REMONI - MINISTRY OF DEFENSE CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT[/h1][/center] [b]Five (5) Digit MOD Identification Number:[/b] 61854 [b]Name:[/b] Audrey Burkins [b]Callsign:[/b] Phoenix [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Country of Origin: [/b]Principality of Remoni [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Official Photo] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-J3zLxStaQRM/VTqWRa0pduI/AAAAAAAADC8/xQ1A59qaPEg/w800-h800/429490.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Faceless Type:[/b] B [b]Bio: [/b] [b]-Prior to Service with the Principality of Remoni[/b] 61854 was raised in a military environment due to her father being one of the most notorious mecha pilots to ever serve under the Remoni name, Mitch Burkins. Her father served her country with honor and valor, defending not only his borders but the entire world from those who threatened to take away its freedom. 61854 spent any hours with her father when he was off duty, and when he was away her mother would regale her with stories of his achievements, fueling their daughters admiration for both him and the military he served under. Due to his status and name, 61854 and her mother were given special privilege to visit her father at the base near the Satean border where she'd fawn over the weapon her father piloted and mingle with the many other heroes that resided. It was misfortune that 61854 was present on the base during an attack by Satean forces in a sneak attack meant to weaken Remoni border defenses. While she and her mother took cover in a bunker meant for such occasions, Mitch Burkins and his fellow pilots fought to defend their country from the invading forces. While damages high, the Satean troops were successfully repelled, though among the casualties was Mitch Burkins who placed his mecha in the line of enemy fire to protect the bunker. It was a few years after the aforementioned incident that 61854 at the age of 13 happily accepted her call to duty, presumably to take up her fathers mantle and fight for her country. [b]-Service History with the Principality of Remoni[/b] 61854 was handpicked specifically to pilot the newly acquired CAU Mk X "Risen Sparrow" and has undergone countless field tests and simulations with the mecha. Once tweaking and modification of the mecha was completed, 61854 was cleared for combat against enemy forces and has since completed a handful of successful missions. Against both Satean forces and extraterrestrials 61854 has shown a skill level comparable to that of her late father, with her mecha receiving minimal damage throughout he service. She has shown an affinity for the combat shield, preferring to protect the lightly armored part of her mecha while wielding her weapon with the bulkier arm of the M-13 "Diamond", swapping between rushing down ranged opponents with her halberd and circling melee opponents while raining down gunfire upon them. [b]Personality Traits[/b] She has shown herself as a confident and loyal combatant, opting to prioritize the safety of her team over her own. On top of that, 61854 is willing to do nearly whatever it takes to complete the mission, sometimes going rogue to do what she feels is best. However, she tries to minimize collateral damage as much as possible as to protect civilian life. Being specially selected seems to have made her slightly arrogant and cocky, seeing herself as the next Mitch Burkins. She can be stubborn when taking orders and is extremely hard to budge from her beliefs, though her focus on the cause and serving her country is enough to overlook this issue. While her attitude has been known to get on the nerves of whatever team she has been assigned to, 61854 generally bubbly and caring nature tends to either mend or further burn any bridges her arrogance would destroy. 61854 has been extremely friendly to most she comes across, though has shown to become easily annoyed with those who question her skills or are flippant when approached. [b]Specialization:[/b] Airborne Mecha [b]Name of Machine:[/b] CAU Mk X "Risen Sparrow" [b]Profile:[/b] One of the only functional CAU Mk X "Sparrow"s recovered from the Principality, it has only been modified as necessary as to remain as close as possible to the mecha's original capabilities. As such, its right arm has been refitted with that of a M-13 "Diamond" due to the original being destroyed in the recovery process. The CAU MK X "Risen Sparrow" has only seen a handful of deployments due to considerable time being spent on studying and repairing the foreign weapon. However, 61854 has been trained extensively in its use both in and out of combat. [b]Modifications:[/b] The right arm of a standard issue M-13 "Diamond", while hampering the mechs usual speed with the added weight, this gives the added appendage the extra armor of its competition while still maintaining a considerable maneuverability advantage. [b]Personal Color Scheme: [/b] CAU Mk X "Sparrow" parts: [color=aba000]Gold[/color] M-13 "Diamond" parts: [color=9e0b0f]Red[/color] [b]Preferred Loadout (for airborne mecha):[/b] [List] [*]One (1) 36 millimeter assault cannon [*]One (1) combat halberd [*]One (1) combat shield [/List] [h2]OATH: I, A FACELESS PILOT, SWEAR UNDYING LOYALTY TO THE PRINCIPALITY OF REMONI, I DECLARE THAT I WILL ALWAYS FIGHT FOR HER, HER PEOPLE, HER GOALS, I AM ENSURED CERTAIN RIGHTS AND DUTIES AS A FACELESS PILOT AND I WILL ALWAYS ACCOMPLISH THESE DUTIES WITHOUT QUESTION AND WILL NEVER BREAK MY LOYALTY TO THE PRINCIPALITY. IF I DO BREAK THIS OATH, MAY IT MEAN MY DEATH. MAY THE PRINCIPALITY AND HIS MAJESTY BE BLESSED.[/h2] [/hider]