Not to be left out, here are my pilot and co-pilot duo! [hider=Amita Lakshmani] PRINCIPALITY OF REMONI - MINISTRY OF DEFENSE CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT [u][b]Five (5) Digit MOD Identification Number:[/b][/u] 95097 [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Amita Lakshmani [u][b]Callsign:[/b][/u] Radiance [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 17 [u][b]Country of Origin:[/b][/u] Frusa [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [hider=File Photo] [img][/img] [/hider] [u][b]Faceless Type:[/b][/u] A [b][u]Bio: [/u][/b] [i][b]- Service History to date[/b][/i] Subject Amita underwent her FTMAP approximately two years ago. She has exhibited occasional physical and mental issues after the procedures' completion, but still falls within acceptable parameters as set by [redacted]. Following completion of the procedure and her training period, she was assigned to the Frusan Air Force, where she was part of the ongoing operations to put down rebellious Royalist elements within the country seeking to overthrow the democratic government. She showed great competency and precision in her perfomance in both counter-air and air-to-ground operations, frequently flying in dangerous situations or terrain to perform interdiction and deep-strike operations against key installations or targets belonging to the Royalist insurgent forces. After several successful tours and operations, she was rotated back to Air Forces research command where she was part of ongoing efforts to develop and research more effective aircraft and weapon systems, and participate in further exercises revolving around effective employment of Faceless pilots alongside conventional forces. During this time she was introduced to her co-pilot Ajay, and the two have worked together since. After a further tour of duty which involved repelling a massed assault on the capital by Royalist forces and fierce aerial engagements that has seemed to stem the ongoing insurgency for the meantime, Amita and Ajay have been assigned to Faceless Squadron 7 as part of an exchange and training program to improve and better their skills, and as a contribution from our government to the brewing war. [i][b]- Personality traits[/b][/i] Amita has shown particular skill and expertise in mastering the art of air-to-ground warfare, particular in the area of low-level bombing and strike. Her understanding of flight dynamics and the requirements of battlefield control and theatre-level strategy applied to airpower are impressive for an individual of her age. On a personal level, Amita exhibits a vibrant and lively personality, albeit one with a tendency to swing into moments of sullenness, as with any teenager. Her intelligence and physical aptitude are high, and she shows a keen interest and curiosity about the world, and while shy, enjoys meeting new people. This must be watched carefully, should she inadvertently risk any information regarding the program itself, or put herself or any other vital assets in a position to be exploited or at risk. However, she is motivated by positive reward and praise, and seeks to please others around her, and to gain their approval. She has a high level of empathy for others and a strong desire to protect and nurture those who cannot help themselves; likely a residual trait of personality from [REDACTED]. She shows a strong bond of friendship with her co-pilot Ajay Chandrasekhar, though they often act much like teenagers and fall out, have fights and annoy each other for no reason. Nonetheless, they are more than capable of overcoming their personal differences to work together when need be. Aside from socializing and making new friends, Amita seems to enjoy swimming and water-related activities a great deal which is encouraging for her physical fitness levels. She also has some level of inherent artistic talent, and seems to like sketching scenes of everyday life when otherwise not preoccupied wih study towards her duties and schooling. She also has a strong fondness for animals, and has frequently asked if she may have a pet of some kind. It is recommended this perhaps be used as a motivational factor for her continued loyalty and obedience. [u][b]Specialization: [/b][/u]Aircraft [u][b]Name of Machine:[/b][/u] FB-18U Ultra Hornet [u][b]Profile: [/b][/u] [hider=File Photos] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider] The FB-18U 'Ultra Hornet' is a domestically produced variant of the F/A-18 Super Hornet. It fulfils the role of long-range heavy strike, anti-shipping and long-range reconnaissance in the Frusan Air Force, or will do so once it reaches full production. Currently, the aircraft is in limited operational usage and testing. It is the most advanced aircraft produced by the Frusan Aerospace Industry to date, and still relies on significant international co-operation (in fact, the continued security of this co-operation was one of the key things that lead to the deployment of personnel to Faceless Squadron 7). The FB-18U remodels the Super Hornet into an aircraft more akin to the RA-5 Vigilante carrier-based bomber and reconnaissance aircraft, or the land-based (and originally planned to be carrier-based) F-111, a dual role aircraft capable of sustained high speed at low altitude, and carrying a heavy payload of weaponry, or alternatively a large suite of reconnaissance equipment. The concept is modernised by including current and advanced materials, electronics, design theory and sensors, and starting from a proven airframe. Using an existing aircraft instead of a clean-sheet design has kept lead-times and development costs down, and allows minimal re-training, and the use of F/A-18's as conversion trainers. Similarly, parts commonality is high, reducing stress on existing logistics and supply infrastructure and further reducing the need for training of new personnel completely. The FB-18U is fully compatible with all existing Frusan and allied weapon systems currently in use, and has room in its' software architecture and physical design to accomodate future expansion and the inclusion of new equipment as needed. Like the Super Hornet it is derived from, the Ultra Hornet incorporates features to reduce its radar signature, but is not a 'stealth' aircraft overall. These features do significantly reduce it's overall signature, and combined with ECM and skilful flying and use of terrain features can massively reduce chances of detection by hostile forces. Research is underway to develop stealthy weapons pods and fuel tanks to increase the useable weapons load on operations oriented towards stealth. The primary changes to the aircraft, aside from the obvious physical changes in dimensions and overall appearance are the inclusion of more powerful F-135 engines for increased thrust and sustained speed, and an overall upgrade of sensor systems, including the addition of an onboard electro-optical sensor and guidance system, as well as an AESA radar and helmet-mounted sight-and-cueing systems for both crewmembers. Future additions may include vectored-thrust engines, among other potential expansions and upgrades. [u][b]Modifications:[/b][/u] Experimental Plasma Stealth system; uses a high-energy thermal plasma to absorb incoming radar waves. However, the heating effect of the plasma means the system is limited to short amounts of use, and activation of the system creates a brief radar blooming effect. Additionally, while in use, the aircraft has a greatly increased thermal signature, and is unable to use external weapon systems, as they interfere with the plasma sheath. Nonetheless, being completely invisible to radar for short periods of time has its' uses. The FB-18U is also capable of landing and taking off from an aircraft carrier, as well as short-field takeoff and landing, however it must be lightly loaded for such operations, and is at its' best operating from land bases. [u][b]Personal Color Scheme: [/b][/u] [url=]Ferris-style camouflage scheme[/url] in shades of dusky blue, grey, and tan. [u][b]Preferred Loadout :[/b][/u] 1 x Internal Rotary-barrelled cannon 1 x internal weapons bay for up to 2,000lb of ordnance and two air-to-air missiles 8 x External hardpoints (2x wingtip, 3 x under each wing) for a variety of mixed air-to-air and air-to-surface ordnance or other mission systems, such as refuelling pods, additional fuel tanks, cargo pods, ECM pods and reconnaissance systems. All standard loadouts include two MultiPods, usually of the low-observable type unless otherwise specified. OATH: I, A FACELESS PILOT, SWEAR UNDYING LOYALTY TO THE PRINCIPALITY OF REMONI, I DECLARE THAT I WILL ALWAYS FIGHT FOR HER, HER PEOPLE, HER GOALS, I AM ENSURED CERTAIN RIGHTS AND DUTIES AS A FACELESS PILOT AND I WILL ALWAYS ACCOMPLISH THESE DUTIES WITHOUT QUESTION AND WILL NEVER BREAK MY LOYALTY TO THE PRINCIPALITY. IF I DO BREAK THIS OATH, MAY IT MEAN MY DEATH. MAY THE PRINCIPALITY AND HIS MAJESTY BE BLESSED. [/hider] [hider=Ajay Chandresekhar] PRINCIPALITY OF REMONI - MINISTRY OF DEFENSE CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT [u][b]Five (5) Digit MOD Identification Number:[/b][/u] 95099 [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Ajay [i](pronounced Ah-jay)[/i] Chandresekhar [u][b]Callsign:[/b][/u] Umbra [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 19 [u][b]Country of Origin:[/b][/u] Frusa [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [hider=File Photo] [img][/img] [/hider] [u][b]Faceless Type:[/b][/u] A [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] [i][b]- Service History to date[/b][/i] Subject Ajay underwent his FTMAP approximately two years ago. He has been an exemplary physical specimen since that time. He occasionally shows problems with memory recall and speaks of events that have not happened, and experiences vivid dreams and nightmares that he often cannot recall on waking. Otherwise, he meets all normal markers for an effective Faceless pilot. Following completion of the procedure, Ajay was given a full regimen of training. An attempt was made to abduct him during this time, but he outwitted and defeated his would-be captors, and turned them over to authorities. It was during this incident he acquired the distinctive scar on his face, after being cut with a knife by one of the assailants. His flight training was smooth, though he struggled with some of the mathematics aspects, but was able to overcome this by approaching them with unconventional thinking and learning techniques, a trait that showed through in his subsequent service. Ajay operated alongside conventional air force units, often undertaking key missions against heavily defended or strategic targets. He showed great aptitude in air-to-air combat and in interdiction strikes and counter-insurgency aerial warfare, often putting weapons on target in situations not normally thought to be viable, with minimal collateral damage and no loss of friendly lives. The success of his missions lead to popularity for the 'jet with no name' as a close-air support and strike asset, as scuttlebutt and rumours circulated among the troops, and Ajay was rotated out of the theater of operations to lessen the chance of the project being revealed. After being rotated away from the front, he was involved in the same extensive testing and research project as Amita Lakshmani, who shortly became his co-pilot for the F-18U Ultra Hornet. The pair showed great promise in the testing scheme, and scored highly at all markers during the projects' test milestones. After a further tour of duty which involved repelling a massed assault on the capital by Royalist forces and fierce aerial engagements that has seemed to stem the ongoing insurgency for the meantime, Amita and Ajay have been assigned to Faceless Squadron 7 as part of an exchange and training program to improve and better their skills, and as a contribution from our government to the brewing war. [i][b]- Personality traits[/b][/i] Ajay has shown great aptitude in his role as an aerial combatant. He is highly capable and adaptable to the quickly-changing environment of a battlefield, and is quick to react and think. His creativity when it comes to strategy and tactics is one of his greatest strengths, and makes him a valuable asset on any battlefield. He seems to be driven by a will to succeed and exceed his previous limits, and is strongly dedicated to completing his goals and briefed missions. The extent of his dedication to other causes beyond the immediate moment is unknown, but he appears to at least value the idea of a greater peace and stability if not doing more than paying lip-service to it. His desire to avoid civilian casualties and collateral damage also shows he has a desire to protect non-combatants and seek not to involve them in warfare or violence if necessary. Aside from his martial prowess, Ajay is an intelligent, well-spoken and charismatic young man. He is very observant and attentive, though tends to be quiet and soft-spoken, and will often not speak unless spoken to first. He has good manners and bearing, and seems to have a introverted personality outside of combat and prefers quiet, personal pursuits such as reading. He does seem to enjoy building things and finding out how they work, and often seeks to spend time with maintenance and other support personnel to learn more about their duties and to participate if possible. He also seems to enjoy excercising his mind with construction kits and toys if given access to them, and reads a lot of technical manuals and information when he has access to it. Despite his quiet and retiring demeanour, he will be friendly and agreeable if approached, albeit somewhat tentative in conversation and in his demeanour, unless one hits on the right subjects and information he has knowledge and passion for. As mentioned previously, he is prone to short periods of day-dreaming or seeming to be lost in thought, and keeps journals. Examination of these reveals a 'stream of consciousness' form of writing that consists of strangely disjointed scenes of domestic life. Investigation is proceding to see if there is some significance to these episodes, and Ajay is being carefully monitored at this time for instabilities. He gets on very well with his co-pilot, having a bond with her that borders between friends and siblings, and occasional flashes of romantic interest. This is being carefully monitored as well, should it affect their performance. However, as much as they get along, being teenagers they also fight frequently and fall out just as much; enforced close proximity frequently being a cause of this. Both have been shown to overcome their differences when needed or ordered to do so, however, and will quickly show their support for one another if either are threatened. [u][b]Specialization:[/b][/u] Aircraft [u][b]Name of Machine:[/b][/u] See information for Amita Lakshmani OATH: I, A FACELESS PILOT, SWEAR UNDYING LOYALTY TO THE PRINCIPALITY OF REMONI, I DECLARE THAT I WILL ALWAYS FIGHT FOR HER, HER PEOPLE, HER GOALS, I AM ENSURED CERTAIN RIGHTS AND DUTIES AS A FACELESS PILOT AND I WILL ALWAYS ACCOMPLISH THESE DUTIES WITHOUT QUESTION AND WILL NEVER BREAK MY LOYALTY TO THE PRINCIPALITY. IF I DO BREAK THIS OATH, MAY IT MEAN MY DEATH. MAY THE PRINCIPALITY AND HIS MAJESTY BE BLESSED. [/hider]