[h2][color=00a651]Rebekah Green[/color][/h2] [color=00a651]"I think I'll keep it on me for now"[/color] Rebekah decided. [color=00a651]"You don't mind if I shrink it a bit for storage? It's completely reversible, and I always keep my bag as close to me as possible. It should be safe there, especially if nobody else knows about it."[/color] As she said that, however, she looked suspiciously up around the hallway's ceiling for any security cameras or other recording devices. Security around this school was tight, so she wouldn't be surprised of the buildings were under constant surveillance. She didn't spot any, but that was no guarantee that they weren't there. [color=00a651]"[i]Does[/i] anyone else here know about it?" [/color]