Lucian's attention snapped to the lab as the professor opened the doors. [color=ed1c24][i] Yes, it is a nice day to wait. If the wait was a short one... [/i][/color]. He entered the room just behind the rest of the group. Lucian patiently waited for the professor to finish her speech,listening to what she said. [color=ed1c24][i] so that man was a member of the elite four? Hm, interesting, I wonder what business he has with the professor [/i][/color]. After being given his pokedex and pokemon,Lucian read through it's pokedex entry and smirked. Satisfied with his new partner, he declined the offer to nickname the houndour and looked at the professor[color=ed1c24] "Thank you professor Kalmia, I'm confident me and my partner are going to accomplise a lot together"[/color] Lucian turned from the professor after he thanked her and walked a short distance before halting to release his pokemon. A bright flash of light filled the room as the houndour was released from its pokeball. The dark pokemon blinked, mildly confused before examining the area and noticing Lucian. The hound approached the darkly clothed teenager curiously before Lucian walked around him, examining his new pokemon. Still satisfied he smiled and gave the houndour a pat on the head, attempting to be friendly, [color=ed1c24]"I think we're going to get along just fine, as long as you behave"[/color] Lucian took out his pocket watch to check the time [color=ed1c24]"So professor,do you have anything else for us or may we-"[/color] He noticed the houndour now staring at his watch with a greedy glint in it's eyes before it approached even closer. Lucian's face grew into a grin[color=ed1c24] "Oh we're definitely going to get along" [/color]addressing the houndour, his question to Kalmia forgotten as he took his watch out fully,chain and all , and moved it around. Houndour kept his gaze on it the entire time, occasionally raising his paw in an attempt to get it. After Lucian was finished familiarising himself with his new partner ,the houndour had grown tired of trying to get the watch and followed Lucian's gaze to the other trainers. Lucian was curious to see what had been gifted.