[hr][hr][center][h1][color=99ccff]Edwina Fairfax[/color] & [color=#33ff33]The Joker[/color][/h1][img]https://s14.postimg.io/h9qukle7l/fairfax_fam.gif[/img][/center][hr][center] Location: The People's Bank of Gotham Interacting With: [@Din] Nyt, Cheetah, Batman[/center][hr][hr]Edwina's mind was racing. The instant the lights were taken out and the room plunged into darkness, only the occasional flash of light from the police cars outside came to her aid. And even then, it wasn't enough to maintain any illusions. She attempted to grab it, in order to save up enough to create a sort of energy blast, but even that was no use. [color=33ff33]"Looks like Lucifer is afraid of the dark!"[/color] the Joker cackled, aimlessly throwing more cups of acid into the darkness. Whenever he heard a sound, he threw a cup towards its target. One of these, as fate would have it, struck Edwina. She screamed in pain, realizing the severity of it. As a scientist, she knew she'd only have a short window of time before damage became permanent. [color=99ccff]"Un...Joker! You hit me!"[/color] Edwina shouted, hopeful that she'd feel cool water hit her skin, and wash away the chemicals. But her uncle did nothing. Biting her lip, she quickly removed the outer layer of her costume, the area that had been hit with the acid splash. Throwing it blindly in the darkness, it hit Cheetah, entirely unbeknownst to her. [color=33ff33]"Oopsie!"[/color] the Joker cackled, continuing to throw more and more vats of acid. [color=33ff33]"That's one of the downfalls of comedy, Edwina! You're always taking shots from people who just don't get the joke!"[/color] Meanwhile, the Joker had slowly been backing away from the sound of the fighting, still throwing those acid-filled cups. The plan? Escape, and leave the girls to deal with the Bat. It had been his plan all along, of course. [color=33ff33]"You know, Batsy, these girls are wanted criminals! They're [i]exactly[/i] your type!"[/color] And then the Joker seemed to vanish. Edwina had managed to get most of the acid off of her skin, and she attempted to find her way in the darkness, in order to free Nyt from the cage. Her hands extended in front of her, Edwina gulped when she felt the hard muscle of the Bat. [color=99ccff]"I'm so sorry for this...."[/color] And then she dropped to the ground, supporting herself all on one hand, as she swung her legs up to where she [i]hoped[/i] the Bat's face would be. She wasn't going to allow Nyt and herself to be captured without a fight. [color=99ccff]"Cheetah, get her out of there! I've got the Bat!"[/color]