Lia: all of your targets haven't been a neanderthal though Billie: *laughs* seriously. I'll find a way if you'll play. Death: *randomly appears and makes Billie jump* I'd like to see it, I'll make sure he doesn't die. And if he does, I'll just bring him back. Lia: *sighs* you get him and everything set up. I'm game. And if someone would find Mitch for me too, I'd be willing to pay in the like five dozen brownies I made yesterday. I would like to think so. I think they're adorable... just in this one he is completely blind so he is relying solely on aura sense now. Adrian: *offers hand* wanna go do something? Me too. I promise soon though. He was, but there is a reason she spares him. Let her. I'll find it hilarious. It'll just bruise his ego a bit. Ha ha.