[@liferusher] Addison peaked out of the alleyway once more, this time determined to figure out what the hell had happened to her. Taking one strong step forward, she entered the grand market, surrounded by so many foreign creatures and sights. Despite the subtle dire tone of the situation, Addison could not help but be in slight awe at the sight before her. "It's almost just like those crappy online RPGs I used to play back in the day..." she quietly muttered herself as she shuffled through the crowd. For the most part, she ignored the very obvious stares she was getting. "I get, I get it. Camouflage such as this isn't exactly a thing for you guys!" she thought, slightly frustrated. Addison was so wrapped up in the sights and her thoughts that she nearly ran over a poor small local. "Hello miss. You have quite some different clothes on. I never seen them before in my life. Are they for work or did you come from a different country perhaps nya." Addison looked down at the girl in front of her. Addison's right eye twitched a bit, but other than that, she seemed to return the friendly smile with one of her own. That little twitch was the result of years upon years of training, self control, and discipline. For Addison had suddenly been possessed with the urge to simply pick up this cat girl before her and cuddle her to death. The most adorable thing Addison could have ever dreamed of was standing in front her, now seemingly embarrassed by her meow, and it took all of Addison's will power to restrain herself. Calming herself, Addison now began to take the situation a little bit more seriously. "How does one go about explaining this? Should I just role with it, pretend I'm from some faraway land....? Yeah... probably should." She thought before answering. Shrugging with a huff, she smiled at the girl. "How could you guess? It's every day that someone like me strolls into... umm.. town." Addison awkwardly finished. She had just realized she had no idea where she was exactly. "I've traveled from a very far away place. So far, in fact, that I'm utterly exhausted from the journey. I can't even remember where this exactly is. Heh he.... say, you seem to be from around here, what's the name of this beautiful city?"