[@dabombjk] Kalinda wondered, with amusement, if she should tell him now, or wait, that she could feel his emotions. She accepted his arm, after a quick check to make sure she had no bare skin, before saying as she went out the more mundane way, through the door, "I should also say that I can feel emotions. However, I am pleased that you felt elation at walking about with me" she sent him a smile, "that's why I'm wearing a suit that covers everything. It's stronger with skin to skin contact and I just haven't yet managed to get control over that." She explained. "And hiding in shadows dulls it as well. Anyway, the cafeteria is just down there, the gym a little further. The classrooms tend to be together, although some of the ones that need more room, like some of the fighting classes and the weaponary one is just over there. Power development has a large room too, and a seperste one that is used for fighting. Apparently it's reinforced and protected against just about anything a student can throw out it, in response to a student somehow managing to destroy it with her abilities" she explained [hr] [@Avanhelsing] Phoebe was use to the flashing colors by now, and was more then use to the way the world just changed, but it was still both exciting and frightening at the same time. "Now?" She said, thoughtfully, "we make sure the new students aren't having trouble registering. Or aren't going to freak out or something." She said, looking about them, [@hagroden][@RumikoOhara][@Spriggs27] Noticing he patch of dried grass, and the small gathering of new students, Phoebe went over, curious. With barely a thought, she gave the dried grass new life, and it rapidly grew free once more, "hi! Do you three need a hand? Power development starts in about five minutes, and Mimic tends to take first and second years. If you like, we can take you there. I'm Phoebe, and this is Ryan"