I play because I find it fun. I don't know about the rest of you, but it supercharges my batteries and refreshes me. It makes me deal with real-life stuff way better and de-stresses me so that I'm ready for my next beating the world is dishing out. No offense, but I totally don't get having to be "in the mood" or having "creative energies tapped." I'm told to shut up, do stuff I don't want to and I do the hard work to make someone else's vision come to life. I have to deal with that all day long. So when I get to be myself, you bet I jump at the chance no matter what's going on in my life. I don't know if I'm just nuts or if other people roleplay because they don't have anything better to do or what, but about every game I've been in seems like I'm the only one eager to play.