[center] [img]http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/Roleplays/blue%20hair/8072e6cf-7b0d-4de0-ab18-3bc8ac9384f8_zpsrz4e78os.jpg[/img] [img]http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/Roleplays/blue%20hair/60074e37-38bf-4550-8c47-b8af54449347_zpshmacnfon.jpg[/img] BELZENEFF BLACK 128 years old 01/01/1017 Belzeneff is the first and only blessed son of the previous king, Belantino Black. Belantino was actually a noble and just king who ruled over Wiz with fairness and equality and tried to teach his son the same values. It was actually his wife, Queen Bellarose Black who had twisted and corrupted her son's mind to believe that there was no equality and social classes existed for a reason. His parent's marriage was an arranged one, so there was no love that held them together. Instead, their relationship was a constant tug of war of right and wrong and Belzeneff was always caught in the middle of it. But when he was barely hitting puberty, Belantino mysteriously fell ill. This caused a commotion in the cities because the royal family were known for living long, and extended lives, thanks to a magical elixir that was blessed by the Prophet Fai and the Great Oz himself, and never became ill or contracted any sickness. But as the days passed, Balantino's health got worse until he eventually passed away. At the time, Belzeneff was too young and too inexperienced to rule, so the crown went to Bellarose, and she became the leader of Wiz. It was under her rule that things began to change. The gap between those in poverty and those with power grew larger and larger until there was no inbetween, either you were rich or you were poor. This was also when the executions of traitors against Wiz started, along with exiles. When exiled, one is stripped of their magical abilities and sent to the human realm to live out the rest of their days. A spell is placed on them so that they can never reveal their true origins to the humans, nor will they ever be able to reproduce, so that their existence would just slowly fade away. For years, Bellarose ruled with complete power and she passed her teachings on to Belzeneff, as he was approaching the appropriate age to inherit the crown. However, the power had gone to her head and she wasn't willing to give up everything she had built to her son so soon, so she began plotting. Her plan was to exile Belzeneff to the human world and remarry shortly afterwards, bearing a new heir that would take over for her, but only when she was an old woman and unable to rule any longer. Unfortunately, Belantino's previous adviser, Demarcus, caught wind of the Queen's plans and since he never forgave her for the King's death, he told Belzeneff. At first Belzeneff didn't believe him and almost had him beheaded for thinking such things, but Demarcus' son Demetrios stopped him in time and showed him proof. The Queen had foolishly written her plans down on a piece of paper as a blueprint for her loyal followers that would commit the exile and one of them was a spy for Demarcus. Angered by his mothers betrayal, he had her arrested and ordered a public execution, so that the citizens could witness the fate of one that would dare cross him, even his own flesh and blood wasn't an exception to this rule. On the day of the execution, it was Belzeneff himself that held the axe and before the entire Main City of Wiz, beheaded his mother. Her last words were, " So I did raise my son well! Take what I taught you and lead this world with greatness!". She was still laughing by the time Belzeneff swung the axe. Afterwards, her name became a curse, something along the lines of bitch and whore and no one was to speak a positive word about her or else share the same fate. Her followers were killed in the days following her death and from there, Belzeneff created his new kingdom. Only in marriage would Belzeneff be king, but he was still too hurt from his mother's betrayal to share his reign with another person and chose to continue his rule as prince. Some things stayed the same, such as exiles and executions, but Belzeneff created The Wizard's Council to help govern and protect Wiz. Even after all his tutors and teachings from his mother, Belzeneff never really learned how to rule a country and if it wasn't for Demarcus or Demetrios, he would have ran it into the ground the day after Bellarose's death. It was after creating the Wizard's Council that he met Valentia Mancini, the sister of his Protector, Valiant. It was through him that the two met and for the first time in his life, Belzeneff felt love for another person other than himself. He danced around her for a long while until he asked her for her hand in marriage. After the wedding, he was officially crowned King Belzeneff and Valentia adopted the name Bellona in the honor of their union. Their love resulted in eight children, though Belzeneff only has positive feelings for half of them. Due to his past, he doesn't trust his children as much as he should, but he especially doesn't trust the eldest twins, Belladon and Belladonna. He was an only child so he never had to fight for the throne, but if his mother could kill his father and he had enough hatred to kill his own mother, then he hates to think what they could do to him. Belvedere and Bellarino are his favorite children, because they remind him of himself and often praise their rude behavior. Just as long as they don't get too big headed, that is, and he won't hesitate to remind them who is really in charge. But all in all, they get away with alot more then their other siblings. Bellerophon is his favorite behind the twins and it showed when he gave him Kyuberos for protection. Belshazzar is also another one that he likes since he creates new inventions for him and Belzeneff will never say no to a gift. He holds neutral feelings Belial and Bellakane and doesn't really care with what they do with their lives. He ignores Belial's ramblings and Bellakane doesn't have enough confidence to rule a country, so he doesn't waste his time on her. However, despite the fact that Bellona is the only person he loves or ever will ever love again, this doesn't stop him from having a number of mistresses. He's had a bad track record with his courtesans and their fate usually ends in death or exile. It is unclear exactly how many illegitimate children he has, but the most well known is Belisario, his fourth child, whose mother was exiled after his birth. He treats him better then most of his children but only because he feels somewhat guilty for what happened to his mother. He's still kinda-bros with his ex-protector and brother-in-law Valiant and checks up with him sometimes. But Valente's stunt has caused a rift in their relationship where Valiant wants him home but Belzeneff wants him dead. Still, he doesn't blame his brother and sister-in-law, or his nephews, for Valente's betrayal and allows them to remain how they were. His only non-relative friend is his adviser, Demetrios, and arguably Kyuberos, but only because he was made to be friends with him. Pemperknackle and Jenessa still keep in contact, though most of it is due to work. Out of all the people he knows, only a handful of them know his deep, dark secret. From the time he was a child, Belzeneff has had a considerably low amount of magic, even for a kid. But this only got worse when he got older and it appeared that his magic just wasn't low, but was disappearing. Year after year his magic would decrease until he couldn't even make a piece of paper levitate. Bellarose had called in numerous doctors to test him or find a cure, but none were able. It wasn't until Valiant and his other Protectors came together to create Kyuberos that they found a solution. Human souls are powerful sources of energy and throughout history many supernatural creatures have used them to fuel their powers and make themselves stronger. There was no reason to think that this wouldn't be the same for the King, so the created Kyuberos to collect human souls and give them to Belzeneff. It worked for a while and he slowly gained his powers back, but just like before, the magic began to diminish with time. It was like his body was using up the magic as if it was food and he demanded a constant intake of souls. Kyuberos became unable to meet his daily quota, so thats when he created the Nyankos to do the work for him. To this day, Belzeneff still needs the souls to live. He leaves most of politics bullshit to the Council and Demetrios and only makes the laws directly concerning him, like it's illegal to lowercase his name, deface anything that bears his name or image and other outlandish things like that.[/center] [center][hider=Family & Friends] [b]Ancestor:[/b] Faize Ceres [b]Grandmothers:[/b] Via Bellarose - Trransengan Quintana Via Belantino - Beliana Kessna Black [b]Grandfathers:[/b] Via Bellarose - Trryga Quintana Via Belantino - Belano Black [b]Mother:[/b] Bellarose Trrancedigaeth Black (Quintana) [b]Father:[/b] Belantino Black [b]Wife:[/b] Bellona Valentia Black (Mancini) [b]Children:[/b] With Bellona Black [wife] - Belladon Black, Belladonna Black, Bellerophon Black, Bellisiah Black/Furei Justus, Belshazzar Black, Belvedere Black, Bellarino Black, Belmarie Black, Belial Black, Bellakane Black With Deineria Tyyrell [ex-partner] - Bell Tyyrell With Mayara Vega [ex-mistress] - Beliva Black / Maya Vega With Leondra Cherie [mistress] - Beleon Black / Leon Cherie / Paravel Barrasitan With Aria Mastema [ex-mistress] - Arius Mastema With Aelita Mory [ex-mistress] - Belisario Black With Leela Everlark [ex-mistress] - Leeland Everlark With Yessica Leverett [ex-mistress] - Amery Pahliah [b]Grand-children:[/b] Via Bell Tyyrell - Anabelle Parker, Abell Tyyrell [b]Great-grand-children:[/b] Via Anabelle & Jamie Parker - Jordon Parker / Ethan [b]In-Laws:[/b] Via Bellona- Valkyrie Shari Mancini {mother-in-law}, Valdmar Shakkir Mancini (Xuen) {father-in-law} Via Bellona - Valiant Dionte Mancini {brother-in-law} , Valyn Dionysus Mancini {sister-in-law} [b]Nephew & Nieces:[/b] Via Valiant Dionte & Valyn Dionysus Mancini - Valentine Mancini, Valora Kristabelle Mancini, Valtreks Mancini, Valroya Mancini, Valor Mancini, Valdeimos Mancini, Valencino Morgen Mancini, Valhallen Mancini, Illias Valserys de Montesquieu, Vallix Mancini, Valerik Mancini, Valente Mancini, Valis Mancini, Valereon Mancini, Valerio Mancini, Valcyon Mancini Through marriage -Valentiano Kristoforo Mancini, Valancy Morgana Mancini, Illiana Valorris de Montesquieu [b]Grand-Nephew/Nieces:[/b] Via Valora Kristabelle & Valentiano Kristoforo Mancini - Valhero Mancini, Valexander Mancini, Valalee Mancini Via Valtreks Mancini & Sofia Amara - Valenna Mancini Via Valroya Mancini & Edel Gwerthwen - Valiance Mancini Via Valroya Mancini & Symphaerie Zylan - Valaiah Mancini Via Valroya Mancini & Ambrosiya Sanna - Valerius Mancini Via Valdeimos Mancini & Raava Rixore - Valrose Mancini Via Valencino Morgen & Valancy Morgana Mancini - Valstell Mancini [b]Friends:[/b] Leondra Cherie - Childhood friend, mistress and Protector Pempan Leocadia Abernathy - Childhood friend Pemperknackle Leonarto Abernathy - Friend Valiant Dionte Mancini - Friend and brother-in-law Jenessa Rasiel - Friend Demetrios Lutece - Friend and advisor Kyuberos - Friend Stannis Degenesis - Friend and close confidant Deianira Tyyrell - Ex-lover Aelita Mory - Ex-lover Leela Everlark - Ex-lover Yeshysha Leverett - Ex-lover Flarence Alixandre Suga - Protector Cecima Batel - Protector Valtreks Mancini - Nephew and Protector [/hider][/center]