[center][h1]Furthest-From-Home[/h1][/center][color=598527][u][b]A G E[/b] [/u] [/color] 20 [color=598527][u][b]R A C E[/b] [/u][/color] Argonian [color=598527][u][b]G E N D E R[/b] [/u] [/color] Female [color=598527][u][b]O C C U P A T I O N[/b] [/u] [/color] Merchant [color=598527][u][b]A P P E A R A N C E[/b] [/u] [/color] Furthest-From-Home stands five-foot-eleven, above average for her race. Without the influence of the Hist Sap, Furthest-From-Home's appearance is more human than some of her race. Her eyes have round pupils set in the center of bright blue irises. Like many other Argonians, her skin is covered in greenish-brown scales. She has filed down the claws on her hands and feet to mimic the finger- and toe-nails of men and mer. She's relatively lean with few toned muscles and a long, thin, reptilian tail. [color=598527][u][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b] [/u] [/color] Furthest-From-Home, like most Argonians due to their overall lack of facial expressions, seems like a cold person. However, people who take the time to interact with her quickly find out this is not the case. Unlike most Argonians of the Empire, Furthest-From-Home has never truly seen herself as being beneath the races of men and mer. Due to her wealthy upbringing, Furthest-From-Home seems to be just like any other cosmopolitan of Cyrodiil, speaking common but not without the infamous Argonian lisp. Furthest-From-Home values the company of most other races, due to her family's close relations with the Dunmer slave traders she does not view the Dunmer as enemies as do most Argonians. Khajiit, however, are a different story. Furthest-From-Home has a very inquisitive nature that suits an adventuring lifestyle. Coupled with fine-tuned logic skills, Furthest-From-Home is most at home when solving puzzles or riddles. She has been known to abuse the drink from time-to-time, although she steers clear of any illicit drugs like the infamous skooma. Furthest-From-Home is slow to trust, but is intensely loyal to whomever she chooses to ally herself with. Like many adventurers, Furthest-From-Home is driven by the search for gold and jewels and is willing to do almost anything to get them. [color=598527][u][b]B A C K S T O R Y[/b] [/u] [/color] Furthest-From-Home hails from the Archein tribe, an Argonian clan whose rise to prominence was built on the Argonian slave trade and for their positions as Imperial lapdogs in Black Marsh. As such, Furthest-From-Home was born into relative affluence. Along with her hatchmates, Furthest-From-Home grew up with Imperial mentors and taught the skills needed for any well-to-do citizen of the Empire: how to read and write, the basics of Imperial history and geography, lessons on the worship of the Nine Divines was also common. For many years, however, the Archein's wealth and power had been waning. The plantations of Black Marsh proved impossible to cultivate and, in the north, attitudes were turning towards the end of the Argonian slave trade. With less and less money coming in and Imperial authorities going home with grease-less palms, it wasn't long before the Imperial Legion was knocking at their door. Formal charges of slave trading were brought against Furthest-From-Home and her family were brought in to Stormhold. Formal charges were filed. The family had their lands seized and a significant part of their remaining fortune taken in fines and bail for the children; both parents - now approaching their dying days - chose remain in Imperial dungeons until their last breath. The children left to their own devices, villains in Black Marsh and treated poorly by the Tamrielic races, decided to make a new fortune for themselves abroad in a promising new venture: Akavir. [color=598527][u][b]M O T I V A T I O N[/b] [/u] [/color] With the decline of the slave trade in Morrowind to the north and Black Marsh proving ever-more impossible to tame, the Archeins have fallen from high graces. By the time Furthest-From-Home reached twenty years old, her family has lost everything. Desperate times call for desperate measures and for an Archein - disliked in Black Marsh and ostracized in the rest of the Empire - there are few options left but to seek their fortune on foreign shores. [color=598527][u][b]E Q U I P M E N T[/b] [/u] [/color] 1 Steel Sword 5 Journals 2 Store Ledgers 10 Inkwells 3 Quills 3 Gray tunics 1 Set of Leather Armor 150 Gold [b][u]Store Inventory[/u][/b] 2 Elven Longswords 10 Iron Daggers 40 Bandanas/Kerchiefs 30 Pairs of Soft Leather Boots 30 Pairs of Leather Gloves 20 Linen Shirts 20 Linen Pants 10 Plain Dresses 15 Sets of Iron Cutlery 10 Shovels 10 Pickaxes 5 Cast-Iron Cooking Pots 5 Sets of Silverware 40 Candles 150 Pounds of Raw Rice 50 Pounds of Salted/Smoked Fish [color=598527][u][b]A P P A R E L[/b] [/u] [/color] Furthest-From-Home typically wears a gray tunic and a pair of tailored leather pants. However, she has also packed a set of leather "travelling clothes," for when she leaves town. These are leather bracers, thick leather boots and a fitted leather jerkin. While in town or out of town she typically carries her sword on her hip as a means of self-defense and as a way to cling to the station her family once held.