Vulga Remmington Location: Winnipeg, Canada, Arcadia Vulga was floating high up in the air, far above the city which would be the stage for a great battle. He was observing from a safe distance this strange mechanical giant and a host of strange individuals around it. He was mostly there to supervise the status of his newest agent, Damien, who had struck the first blow against the metal beast. He did this not with any sort of care for his well-being, only to see if Damien could prove himself in combat and survive to do his bidding. At the end of the day, this young sorcerer, like most others, were only pawns in Vulga's sick game of manipulation and treachery, and if need be, disposable ones. He would not be spotted, however, using his illusion magic to make him undetectable by almost any form of technological or living sensors, including infrared, and cast the screen spell to make him invisible to any form of magical or psychic scrying, allowing him to observe from a distance without fear of being detected, though he is staying alert mode, ready to dodge any sort of stray projectile and stay out of the crossfire. Vulga's scheme here was simple, allow Damien and anyone willing to confront the Mech. Then, wait for the perfect opportunity to strike, all while avoiding detection. While a simple plan, depending how Vulga plays this, can bear great significance on how he will go about future projects to secure Arcadia for his dark masters. Edit: Mentioning [@Wraithblade6] [@supertinyking] [@thewizardguy] [@gentlemanvaultboy]