Mortainius Mortainius had just arrived on the scene, sporting a new corpse body and kickass katana with a dragon on the hilt. He was following the Mech to confront some new creatures who were to be targeted and converted. Unfortunately, one of them was some kind of freaky fish guy, and another was a big scary demon. Mortainius did not like were this was going. Then again, the very presence of the mech could force them to surrender on the spot. Then out of nowhere, some young dude who looked like he walked straight out of a renaissance fair came the hell out of nowhere and gave some rousing speech. You know what? Mortainius thought. He was right on the money. Mortainius was a conqueror at heart and a conqueror by nature. He doesn't take orders from NO ONE! (Except for Cyano and the rest of the Alliance, because they are awesome) And he most certainly was not to take orders from an oversized tin can with appendages! "Minions." He whispered silently to his lieutenant as to not rouse the mech's driver. "You guys take care of anyone who is following that giant assclown. I got this." With that, his infantry dispersed to fight for their major. Mortainius then approached the mech, put on his Major hat, and decided to give it a piece of his mind. "Hey! You with an ugly face for a chest! Turn around!" Mortainius did not care about death anymore, it was now a matter of pride. "Now you listen here and you listen damn good! I am not going to stand around and take any of your stupid orders any more! You are unworthy of commanding me! I may have surrender to you, but now in hindsight, YOU should have surrendered to ME! I wield more power than you can possibly imagine! I make the laws of psychics my bitch! I am a living tempest! A hurricane of awesome! You are nothing but some talentless hack who lets others build his stuff for him! And nobody! And I mean NOBODY threatens to disintegrate my minions! Just for that, I'm going to repurpose your so called "war machine" into my personal margarita mixer! Then, I'm going to rip you out of that thing and shove my Rainbow Rod right up your candy ass!" Mortainius would wait to let that sick burn sink in, then he would unleash a storm of magical pain upon his opponent. [@supertinyking] [@Gentlemanvaultboy] [@thewizardguy] [@Wraithblade6]