Rachel shook her head as she got back to her feet. That was...Well, she wasn't exactly sure what it was, but it was definitely something. Rin's continued hamminess brought her back to reality. The blonde definitely had a point, they were here, there were (hopefully) evil forces in need of punishment and they had the means to deal out that punishment. As Nicholas introduced himself, she tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. Yu-Gi-Oh...Pokemon...Batman..? What was he talking about? Well, there would probably be plenty of time to ask later...or it would just be apparent when that "punching evil in the face" thing Rin had mentioned started. Either way, it wasn't something that needed to be elaborated on immediately as far as she was concerned. "I'm Rachel," she stated, before holding the Driver up and grinning, "and I guess Kamen Rider Fourze now too. Nice to meet you." While she had planned on checking out the bulletin board after introductions were out of the way, it seemed that two members of the group had already decided on a mission. Rachel frowned. Sure, it was the reason they were all there, but learning at least the names of the people they were in this mess with seemed important too. "Protecting a princess sounds like a good, heroic task to start with." She glanced at the board. "Although if they don't need all of us, I wouldn't mind dealing with those bandits."