[h3][color=pink] Lyn[/color], Messhall[/h3] Sam had been disappointed in her outside wear, scolding the young hybrid and giving her herbs to starve away possible sickness she might’ve gotten from the cold. Thankfully she had left one of her thick coats made from the hide of the locate wildlife back within sickbay and wasn’t allowed to leave until she put it on. Hating the extra weight, she wrapped it tightly around her while Tyrael left the way to the dining hall. Her arms wrapped around his at the elbow and leaned against his taller figure. It was nice to hear his voice, even if he was a little off key and sounded a bit like a pit of gravel rustling, while they walked. When his song ended, there was a shout from across the dining hall calling for her. The young woman flashed a smile at the small collection of people, then started to pull her uncle with her toward the others. She didn’t care if she appeared too old to have her god-uncle accompany her. When Meirin scooted over on the bench, Lyn flopped down and greeted her. [color=pink] “Hey Meirin. What’s you guys having for breakfast? I’m famished enough to eat a horse whole.”[/color] [hr] [h3][color=lightsalmon]Mar[/color], within her Den[/h3] Mar rolled her eyes at Athalus’ reply, her arm widening and finally opening the door for their guest. With a wave of her arm, she gestured Leith in behind her. She padded into the single room where she heard Athalus resume his whining about the mission. Her head turned to roll her eyes at his figure, now hunched down to seize his pants then place them on. There was a hint of regret he was nearly dress as she paused to admire his brief, naked image before finding herself being reminded of something. Her eyes narrowed at him with a slight daring attitude, not seeming to care about human customs. However, she never said a word. It didn’t help the way he was staring at her made her body heat up like a lamp. Trying to ignore the lust growing, she turned around to face Leith. It was a mistake as it left her rear exposed to the one male that had every right to cop a feel. It was easy to tell when he came up beside her, his scent filling her nostrils causing her to deeply inhale. She let a playful smirk dart across her lips which was something rare. It left her unguarded against his surprise ‘attack’. It was the last thing she expected when his arm reached out and abruptly squeezed his fingers against her rump, her figure jerked. Almost instantly she lost her balance. Her arms came up, expecting to fall on the dirt floor and instead wound up in Athalus’ ready arms. Mar frowned with deep disappointment in his actions. Namely, because she fell for it so easily and lightly smacked her hands across his broad chest, making a soft thwack throughout the den’s space. She pushed off of him then casually made her way to the dresser where she snatched up his tunic laying on the floor. Slipping it on, she managed to catch Athalus’ last statement. [color=lightsalmon]“It’s a mission to improve your magic, so stop whining. At the rate you’ve been going, I would’ve thought you would’ve been eager not to have everyone save you and actually be able to get a few hits in. I’ve got enough to worry about with Lyn’s trip to Djarkel. I nearly considered avoiding my trip to Yarsomere altogether to go with her.”[/color]