[center][img]https://s14.postimg.org/4wksi17lt/tumblr_mxms3w_Tq_YA1sgxh69o1_500_2.png[/img][/center] [color=OrangeRed] [center] [h1] Theodore Maxwell[/h1] [/center] [/color] [@Lunaeria][@IrishAngelQueen][@Silver Fox] [hr] Theo was about half to the man he had targeted when the giant blonde managed to ran past him. Grabbing all three of the guys in one action, one with each hand and the other with her legs. Theo stopping dead in his tracks watch as the taller woman do a move he had only seen in video games. [color=OrangeRed][i]"HOLY CRAP! I'm so never picking a fight with her. She'd mop the floor with my quite literarily if she wanted.[/i][/color] he thought watching the giant blonde, Theo stuck watching the blonde in awe. Forgetting he was part of brawl as she picked up one of guys and was swinging him around up side down. Theo only coming back into the world when when someone rushed him and hit him the jaw, nearly causing him to lose balance. Turning to face who hit him. Theo brought his guard up and shifting his stance into a boxing one as he turned. Seeing it was one of the drunks that had been advancing on the younger man. In fact it was some he recognized and had several disagreements in the past. However the two had never come to fisticuffs. Frowning at the guy that hit him, Theo now regretting getting involved. He should have just sat back in the booth and drank, even it meant he came across as an asshole. Without any form of warning Theo went to jab the guy in the face stopping half way thought. The guy moving to protect his head leaving body exposed. That being exactly what Theo wanted so was quick to exploit the opening with a hard strike to the chest. Since he had to fight he plan was to knock the wind out of his opponent, preferably without hurting them to much. The attack seemed to have some affect as he the guy gasped and stumbled back slightly. Theo looking almost please as his attack seemed to have its intended effect. Giving an almost drunken guttural growl the guy came at him throwing another punch at his face. Seeing it Theo moving out of the way, counting with quick blow to the chest. Again the guy gasping for air, falling over on his face maybe down to the alcohol in his system. Theo wasn't sure but he didn't really care he just wanted the guy to give up. [color=OrangeRed]"Dude give it up. Go home."[/color] Theo said looking down at the guy started to pick himself up. Theo sighing about to sit on the guy when he got distracted by some girl that was shouting asking who's next. Apparently she had gotten involved beaten someone up, now wanted someone else to fight. The guy Theo was fighting getting back on his feet his gaze locked on to the girl shouting. Theo readying himself to continue the fight. However instead of taking a swing at Theo the guy took off down the street. [b]"Screw this that bitch is crazy."[/b] he shouted as he took of down the street. Feeling relieved Theo turned his attention to everyone else. Noticing another man had appeared with ... was that a cat in his arms. Theo love for cats showing as he approached the guy. [color=OrangeRed]"Hello. I know this is direct put I must pet your cat, will should be okay with that. I love cats. It's looks so nice and soft and fluffy."[/color] he said forgetting about everyone else was around. This reaction to cats he though was cut was common for Theo, which was pretty much all of them. Minus his two ... that lasted about a week of early awake up calls. It was then he noticed his energy level might have been a tad to high for the cat so with a deep sigh tried to clam himself a little. [color=OrangeRed]"Um ... the name is Theodore. Huge cat lover. I have two myself, so I promise I wont hurt her. If she'll let me pat her.[/color]" Theo said looking down at the animal given a long slow blink before looking back at the cats owner.