[hr][hr][center][h1][color=royalblue]Corrina Sorovia[/color][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/917b6e6679d1f21733d48f672e5172b6/tumblr_inline_mlqkh7XrO51qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr]Location: The Raven, Main Hold[/center][hr] [color=royalblue]"Oh, I think I'll be alright. Thank you, Miss Corandel,"[/color] Corrina replied with a polite nod. [color=royalblue]"And I have the utmost belief in the crew's capabilities."[/color] She could feel Sutton being short with her, but there was never a time when their interactions weren't brief and straightforward. Corrina was certain their issues would one day come to a head, but these were hardly the circumstances for that. The moments before embarking for a mission were typically improper moments for suggesting that a crew member was hiding something about their past - or, to be more accurate, their entire past. Leaving no trace throughout the entire galaxy is a near impossibility, after all. As Luke entered the room, Corrina lightened up noticeably. [color=royalblue]"I wouldn't have it any other way, Captain. Though perhaps our methods of acquiring replacement parts for our ship should be reconsidered,"[/color] Corrina teased. There probably weren't any other crew members Corrina was as friendly around as she was with Luke, though there weren't any crew members she had as much history with as Luke, either. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=red]Shira Jen[/color][/h1][img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/5d209cba596209a69085dbbf54b952f5/tumblr_mvjvha36QK1qzaxfso6_250.gif[/img][hr]Location: The Vindicator[/center][hr] As requested, Shira followed the Commodore closely, eagerly soaking in every word. The command was boring, but a necessary evil; Shira had learned through experience that scouting the enemy was just as important as bombing the living shit out of them, if not more important. You can't bomb an enemy if you don't know where they're going to be. The upside of the command was that Shira was going to be spending more time on the bridge and around the Commodore; the Commodore was, of course, the entire reason Shira had relocated to the Vindicator. She'd take every opportunity she could to learn from her commanding officer, and most importantly, she'd actually put an effort into biting her tongue for Commodore Cartchri. She found the Commodore's opinion on Jaina a fresh take, though. Shira too often saw Jaina as an efficient killing machine when at work, but mostly just a pain otherwise. It was still hard for Shira to fully bring herself past that prejudice, but it was something for her to chew on between assignments. Shira saluted, dismissing herself from the Commodore's entourage. She bolted for the bridge without waiting for the Commodore's signal - not exactly Imperial protocol, but that was hardly her problem. When she arrived at the bridge, she immediately got to work refining the route to Anchorhead. It was a short flight south from Mos Eisley to Anchorhead; not much to improve upon given that the standard flight path was only a few hours. However, most flight paths curved west in order to cross over Tosche Station to get to Anchorhead, running just along the Jundland Wastes so as to avoid major elevation changes. That was crap - the Vindicator flew well above any mountain range or canyon on Tatooine, so Shira rerouted the Vindicator further east, nearly into a straight line. It would shave off just under an hour of flight time, though the increased elevation required for her route would likely burn more fuel. An easy tradeoff to justify, Shira figured, especially given Commodore Cartchri's orders.